Chapter 38

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Rach." Sam said, shaking Rachel's shoulder. She was taking a nap. She put her hand on his face and he laughed.

"What?" She mumbled, opening one eye.

"I'm going to Carole and Burt's, do you want to come?" She sat up so fast, she almost smacked her head against Sams."Whoa babe, calm down." She laughed.

"Sorry. Yes I want to go! I miss them and the babies!" She said, getting up and slipping on her shoes and grabbing her phone."I'm ready." She said cutely. He laughed and put his shoes on and grabbed his wallet, keys, and phone. They said goodbye to his parents and left. When they got there, Blaine was of course there. 

"My favorite singer and Broadway star!" Carole exclaimed when she saw them and hugged them. Sam chuckled."I've missed you, and so have these little ones."

"I missed you too. And these lil monkeys." He said, laughing as Riley latched onto his pants. He hadn't been with them physically but Carole would always try to Skype with him so they would know who he was, and apparently it worked, because the both of them were now latched to Sam's pants. He leaned down and picked the one year olds up and made faces at them, causing them to giggle.

"It's crazy how just seeing him on a computer screen has them so..."Carole didn't know what word to use.

"In love with him?" Rachel asked. Carole chuckled and nodded. She then noticed the cast on Sam's hand and gasped, taking a hold of Liam so he wouldn't hurt his hand.

"What happened to your hand?" She asked. Sam looked at Rachel who blushed and told her what happened. Blaine and Kurt had come downstairs to see what was going on and they heard the story too and laughed with Carole.

"It so wasn't funny." Rachel said, pouting. Liam put his hand on her face and she giggled.

"It was funny after the drugs." Sam said and she rolled her eyes.


"They gave him pain medicine for it and he started laughing because of how weird his arm looked. That and the fact that he was basically sleep deprived at the time didn't help anything." Sam snorted. Then he frowned.

"I can't play guitar for like, two months now." He pouted and Rachel chuckled and patted his arm.

"You'll be fine." She said and he glared at her playfully. She rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek.


Later that afternoon, when they arrived back, Stevie was having a hissy fit because Dwight took his phone.

"Steven, if you would stop acting the way you are, you won't get it back at all." Mary said. Stevie said something that Sam didn't like at all, and he doesn't even remember what it was, but it pissed him off.

"What the hell did you just say to her?" Sam asked, standing in the door way. Stevie turned around.

"As if you give a shit." Sam's jaw dropped at that. He was stunned and didn't realize that Stevie had run past him to go to his room. When he realized it, he stormed up the stairs.

"Sam!" Mary called, but he ignored her and continued up the stairs, Rachel, Mary, and Dwight following him. He flung Stevie's door open so hard, it probably put a hole in the wall.

"Get out." Stevie said, glaring at Sam.

"No. Get up."

"No." Stevie looked at him like he was crazy. Sam grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up.

"Why the hell do you think you have the right to treat her that way?" Sam asked. He was pissed."Do you have any idea how damn hard she's worked, dad too, just so that you can have that phone? And you're gonna have a freaking tantrum because you got it taken away?" Stevie looked scared. Sam had never talked to him this way. Sam still had a firm grip on his collar."Do you know what they had to go through when we lost our house? Do you?" Stevie shook his head.

"Sam, calm down-"

"No, mom. I'm not going to calm down." He turned back to Stevie." And I don't know why you hate me so much, but you need to man up and understand that I'm not gonna live my life the way you or anyone else wants me too. I'm gonna live the way I want to live. If that means you hate me, then so be it. But stop acting like a brat and act your age." Sam finally let his collar go and he stormed out of the room. Stevie stood there for a second, shocked by what happened. Dwight didn't say anything, he just went to he and Mary's room and sat on the bed. He never thought that he would hear or see what he just did. Stevie looked at Mary and Rachel.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. Mary sighed and hugged him."I really am, mom. I don't know why I've been being such a brat." She let him go and he looked at Rachel, who still looked surprised at what just happened."I'm sorry." He told her. She shook her head, braking out of her daze.

"For what? You haven't done anything to me."

"I have. I'm the reason that Sam hasn't been happy. Trust me, I know he hasn't. Liz told me. And I'm sorry that you had to see what just happened." Rachel gave him a smile and hugged him.

"It's okay, Stevie."

"Not it's not. Sam probably hates me now because he thinks that I hate him and I don't."

"Sam does not hate you, Stevie. That's literally impossible." Rachel said and Mary agreed.

"Look, just go talk to him. Maybe you two actually talking will help." Mary said.

"He probably left though." Rachel looked out the window and saw Sam sitting under the tree in the back yard.

"He's outside, under the tree." She told him. He nodded. He went outside, shutting the back door quietly. He sat beside Sam and didn't say anything at first. He saw Sam look at him out of the corner of his eye.

"I don't hate you." Stevie said quietly.

"It sure seemed like it."

"Well I don't. I don't know what's been going on with me and that's not a good excuse. I shouldn't have said what I've said to you or mom. Especially mom. I apologized to her and Rachel, because I know I'm the reason you weren't happy when you were in New York. I don't know why I got so mad when you left. I guess it's because we had just come back to Ohio and you left again. It sucked not having you around in Kentucky and it sucks that you aren't here now. I just don't want you to forget about us." Stevie said and shrugged.

"The fact that you actually think I would forget about y'all just makes me want to cry." Sam said."I hate not being with you guys too, but you'll understand why I left when you're my age. It's not because of you, Stacy, Liz, or anyone. Rachel isn't why I left either."

"I've never said or thought that."

"I know, I'm just making sure you know." It was quiet for a few seconds.

"So, you're not mad at me anymore?" They asked at the same time and looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

"I was never mad at you, Stevie. I was just...sad, I guess, that you didn't hug me or say goodbye to me."

"I kinda was mad at you but I'm not now."

"So we're good?" Sam asked.

"We're good." Stevie held a fist out to fist bump him but Sam just hugged him instead.

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