Chapter 5

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"I thought we were going to the grocery store?' Sam asked as he and Blaine walked into the mall.

"Well, I lied."

"No, we kinda have to because Carole wanted me to get her some stuff." Sam said." And quit lying to me you ass! I know I'm an idiot but come on."

"You're not an idiot, Sam." Blaine rolled his eyes.

"Apparently I am. Anyway, why are we here?"

'We're picking it up." He said.

"Picking what up?"

"It, Sam, it." He said, walking in the Jewelry store.

"Oh, okay." He followed him to the back, where the older lady was."Why did I have to come with you?" Sam asked.

"Just in case Jacob Ben Israel decides to start being an ass and take pictures. Then Kurt would know what's going on."

"Okay, and?"

"And, this is just gonna look like you're buying something instead of me, since that's normal."

"Alright, alright, alright."

"I'm just gonna call you Matthew from now on."

"My mom wanted to name me Matthew but they named me after my dad." He said and Blaine chuckled. He got the ring and gave it to Sam, who put it in his pocket for the time being. They left and looked around at the mall for a little while and then they went to Walmart.

"What do you have to get for her anyway?" 

"Chocolate Ice cream, pickles, and ranch dressing."

"Please tell me that isn't going to be put together." Blaine said.

"It is." Sam fake gagged at it.

"How old is Carole anyway?"

"She had Finn when she was what, 16 right?"


"She's 37."

"Oh okay. My cousin just had a baby a couple months ago. She had weird cravings like that. Is Carole pregnant?" Sam looked at him weird.

"I don't think so. I mean, she hasn't said anything about it. But that would explain her puking in the bathroom every morning..." He looked at Blaine."Do you really think she's pregnant?"

"I don't know, but she might be." Sam didn't say anything, he just paid for the stuff and they left.

"Are you coming in?" Sam asked Blaine.

"Should I?"

"Dude why are you so scared to go see Kurt?"

"We haven't seen each other in a month or so, I'm nervous."

"Get out the damn car." Sam said." If you made me go to the store with you, then I'm making you come in here with me. I will drag you out too if I have to."

"Dang, harsh much?" Blaine got out and Sam went inside using his key. Blaine ran behind Burt."Sam is threatening me!" He squeaked.

"I will-You know what, never mind." Sam shook his head and went in the kitchen."Do you want your weird concoction now Mama C?" He called. She didn't answer, she just got up and followed him in the kitchen. He laughed at the face she made. He got her a bowl from the cabinet. She cut up some pickles and put it in the bowl and put ice cream and the ranch in with it. Sam made a disgusted face.

"It's good! Try it!"

"Uh uh. If the fumes from school the other day made me sick, that will too."

"Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah, you don't get any." He snorted.

"I have a question." He said quietly.


"Um, I'm not saying you look like it or anything, but um, are you pregnant? Because you've been throwing up a lot and you have weird cravings and-" Carole laughed and he blushed.

"Sam, I know you're not calling me fat." She said."And yes, I am pregnant. I was going to wait and tell you but you figured it out." She said and smiled widely at the smile on his face.

"Really? That's awesome!" He hugged her."How far along are you?"

"I'm 4 and a half months. I'm due in April, but considering I'm having twins, it could be sooner." Sam's mouth dropped open.

"Seriously?" He asked. She nodded. He hugged her again."I'm happy for y'all."

"Thank you. It wasn't planned at all, but you know."

"I wasn't either." Sam said. She laughed."And neither were the twins." He made a face and cringed thinking about it."I'm gonna go in here before I start to smell that...mess." He said and went in the living room as she laughed.

"Sam!" Stacy called.

"What squirt?" He asked, sitting beside her. She crawled onto his lap and handed him a hair tie."You want me to put your hair up?"


"Oh, Sassy now, are we? Have you been spending time with Santana?"

"Maybe." Sam laughed and put her hair up in a ponytail. She went and looked in the mirror."You got better at this, you know." She said. He looked at her.



"I do it everyday now." He said, pointing at his own head, even though his hair wasn't even up. She giggled and started playing with his hair.

Here's the ring:

Here's the ring:

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