Chapter 62

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Rachel woke up to her boyfriend and best friend jumping on the bed like children.

“Wake up!” The two exclaimed. She laughed as Kurt started singing,

It’s ya birthday

It’s ya birthday

It’s ya birthday today!

Sam laid back down beside her and kissed her cheek, smiling at her. She grinned and giggled at him.

“Happy birthday, baby.” He said.

“Thank you.” She pecked him on the lips.”I’d get up if someone,”She looked at Kurt pointedly,”would get off of me.” He laughed and got up. She sat up and he hugged her tightly.

“My best friend is 20!” He exclaimed, mock crying. She laughed as he let her go.

“You two are crazy.” She said. They grinned at her.

“Get up. I made breakfast.” Sam said, winking at her. She raised an eyebrow.

“Uh, Kurt, can you leave so I can get up?” She asked, blushing slightly. He raised an eyebrow

“Why?” He asked.”It’s not like you’re naked under there.” Sam and Rachel looked at him.”Oh. Ooh! Oh my gosh.” He stood up, his ears red.”I’m sorry!” He said and literally ran out of the room. Sam and Rachel looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“Ah, I love messing with him.” Rachel said, throwing the cover off.”He actually thought I was naked.” Sam laughed.

“I’m just happy I have a minute or so alone with you, considering I hardly will all day.” She smiled at him and stood on her knees, wrapping her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

“You’re thinking about tomorrow, aren’t you?” He sighed.

“Yeah. I don’t want you to leave, but I know you have to for the show.” He said.

“I know. I don’t want to leave either. It’s only for two months though.”

“Two months is gonna feel like 2 years to me.” He said.”Like those two week we didn’t see or talk to each other felt like months.” She put her head on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, babe. You’re following your new dream, just like you should. Maybe time will fly by, considering I have to be in the studio a lot.” She nodded.

“Come on, let’s go eat that amazing breakfast that you made. Today is not the day to be sad.” She said.”Because I’m 20!”


For the next couple of hours, everyone did whatever Rachel wanted to do. They played board games, games on the Wii, and went shopping, which the boys, minus Kurt, didn’t want to do, but did anyway. Sam was loaded down with bags of clothes and shoes that Rachel bought.

“Babe, you don’t need so many shoes.” He said, putting the stuff down in front of him as they stopped to look at Jewelry in the windows of the store. She looked at him.

“You can never have enough shoes.” She replied. He laughed.

“Alright.” While the girls were busy gushing over necklaces and earrings, a certain piece of jewelry caught his eye. He turned to look at it fully. It was inside the store but he could see it clearly from where he was standing. Dwight saw him looking at it and grinned, knowing what his oldest son was thinking. The girls were ready to go so they took the bags and put them in the car.

“Y’all go on ahead, we’ll meet you at the house. I gotta go to the bathroom.” Sam lied, and the girls left.

“Why didn’t you go when I went?” Stevie whined.

“Because I didn’t have to go when you did.” Sam rolled his eyes.

“Just stay in the car, we’ll be back in a minute.” Dwight said and Stevie huffed but got in the car anyway.

“You don’t have to go with me, dad.” Sam said.

“No, but I know where you’re really going. I saw you looking at it.” Sam blushed slightly but grinned. They went back to the store and actually went inside. No one recognized him, thankfully.

“My name is Lisa, how may I help you?” An older lady asked. Sam smiled at her and showed her what he wanted.”Oh, this is a beautiful ring!” She said.”Are you planning on proposing soon?” She asked nicely.

“I plan on doing it in November.” He answered.

“Why November? Is that her birthday?”

“Today is her birthday, actually. But it’ll be our two year anniversary.” He said. She awed.

“That’s so sweet.” She said, handing him the box. He put it in his jacket pocket and zipped it to make sure it wouldn’t come out.”Is this your dad or hers?”

“That’s my boy.” Dwight said, grinning. Sam laughed.

”You probably hear this alot, but you two look just alike.” She said. They grinned.” This might be weird to ask, are you Sam Evans?”She asked. He grinned at her.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Oh gosh.” She said.”My granddaughter loves you.” She said. Sam smiled.”And she’s four.”

“Really?” He asked. She nodded. She took her phone out of her pocket.

“I have a video of her.” She said. He nodded. She showed him and Dwight the video of her watching his interview with Ellen and then her dancing as he sang. Then she squealed and said that she loved whipped cream too after he said it.

“She’s adorable.” He said.”Can you send that to me?” He asked. She nodded.

“Of course. Can I have a picture? This will make her day.” Sam nodded, grinning.

“How about a video?”

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