Chapter 34

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After ice skating and going to a movie, they went out to dinner, Sam, Nick, Demi, and Joe all wearing hats or something to disguise themselves, while Brittany thought was hilarious for some reason. While eating their food, Demi asked,

"How long have you guys all been in relationships?" 

"We've been together since our Senior year." Santana said."Officially, at least. So, in August it'll be 2 years."

"We've been together since my sophomore year and his junior year." Blaine said." So almost three years."

"And we've been engaged for about a year."

"Really? Congrats!" They thanked the three and then looked at Sam and Rachel, who were looking at something on Sam's phone and literally giggling like they were crazy. Sam hid his face in her hair as he laughed. She fanned her face, trying to stop laughing. They looked at each other again and started laughing again.

"What the hell?" Santana snatched the phone out of Sam's hand and burst out laughing. They were looking at a bunch of meme's that had Sam in it. He had a TV interview a couple of weeks ago and he made some of the most ridiculous faces, which caused a storm of memes. She showed the others as the two finally calmed down.

"Oh my god." Sam chuckled, wiping his eyes. They were both crying from laughing so hard.

"Those people are genius's!" Rachel said, drinking some water. 

"What was your questions again?" Sam asked."I heard you but then we saw the memes."

"I asked how long you guys have been together."

"Oh, November 30 was our one year anniversary." Rachel answered. They nodded.

"They'll probably get married by the time Sam turns 20."

Thursday, December 25, 2013

"Wake up Sammy!" Rachel said excitedly, laying on his back. He groaned.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"7 o'clock on the dot." He looked at her.

"You've got to be kidding me." He said. She shook her head.

"Come on, get up and you can go back to sleep after we open presents." She said, pulling his arm. He sighed and got up, pulling on a T-shirt. He laid across the couch, putting his feet in Brittany's lap. Rachel handed out the few presents and they opened them. In the middle of opening his present from Kurt, Sam nodded off.

"Look at him." Blaine said, nudging Rachel, who giggled. Brittany ran her finger up his foot and Sam moved his foot so fast. He glared at her playfully.

"Don't do that. Scared the hell outta me." He said, sitting up to open the present all the way. He thanked Kurt for scarf he got him and asked,"Can I go back to sleep now?" He whined to Rachel. She laughed and nodded. He happily got up and went back to their shared room and went right back to sleep.

"See, this is why I love him."

Tuesday, February 17, 2015
12 PM

"Happy 19th birthday baby!" Rachel said, waking Sam up with a bunch of kisses. He laughed and grinned at her, pecking her on the lips.

"Thanks babe." He said, sitting up.

"What do you want to do today?" She asked.

"Well, I have to go to the studio at 4 until 8 so after that, I have no idea."

"Well, I was thinking that maybe me and you can go to the batting cages. You said something about wanting to go to one of them a few weeks ago. Plus, I want you to teach me how to swing with out throwing the bat." Sam laughed at that and kissed her cheek getting up.

"Alright, sounds like a plan."


After Sam got back to the loft that afternoon, those who lived there were already ready to go to the batting cages, since they wanted to go to, and they would probably do mini-golf or bowling along with the batting cages, or all three. When they got there, Sam was recognized a couple of times, and all of his fans told him happy birthday and said how much they loved his music already, and that they can't wait for him to release more. It was two hours after being there that Sam and Rachel went to the batting cages.

"Why are you so good at this?" Rachel asked."I suck!"

"That's what she said!" Santana called and Rachel rolled her eyes and Sam snorted.

"You're not holding it right, Rachel. You put both hands at the end of the bat, not in the middle." He said, showing her how to hold it. She kept missing so he stood with behind her, the both of them very close to each other. He put his arms around her to help her hit the ball. She got excited when she hit the ball, even with his help. She took a step backwards, not realizing how close he was, and she could feel him against her thigh. He was laughing at how excited she was. She turned around and looked at him.

"I see someone else is a little excited." She said, trying to be sexy as she glanced down at his pants. His face turned so red, she would have laughed if she wasn't serious.

"I'm sorry, this is embarrassing-"

"Don't be." She said, and kissed him on the lips."You wanna get out of here? They probably won't be back for a couple of hours." She whispered in his ear. He looked at her, his eyes widening.

"Are you serious?"

"Very serious, Samuel." He grinned and nodded, taking her hand.

1:30 AM

"This is officially the best birthday ever." Sam said, breathing hard. Rachel was breathing just as hard but she laughed, laying her head on his chest.

"I'm happy you enjoyed it."

"I did. All of it." She giggled again, kissing his cheek.

"I love you, Sammy." He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too baby."

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