Chapter 50

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"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Hiram asked his only daughter. She was sitting in her room, a blank look on her face as she typed something and then put her phone down. She looked at him, her eyes red and tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I just broke up with Sam." She whispered. His eyes widened and he sat beside her and hugged her. She sobbed into his shoulder.

"Why did you break up with him? Did he do something?" She shook her head. She calmed down enough to tell him why she did it."That's not gonna happen, Sweetie. That boy loves you with all his heart, I know he does. You should tell him why you broke up with him. His heart is probably broken right now."

"I can't." She shook her head."It'll just hurt more to tell him. I didn't want to break his heart but it's the only way I could do it." He sighed and hugged her.


Friday, June 26, 2015

It's been a little over two weeks since Rachel broke up with Sam, and they were both miserable. They hadn't talked to each other and no one knew what was up with them. Well, their families do, but their friends don't know anything.

"Why are you moping around so much, Sam?" Blaine asked, tossing Sam a water bottle. Sam had gone running to try and keep his mind off of everything and he looked like he just got out of the pool.

"I'm not moping around." Sam said, lying through his teeth.

"Yeah you are, dude. Are you and Rachel still arguing? I haven't seen her around lately and usually, you two are always together." Sam scoffed.

"We were never 'arguing' she was just mad at me, for what, I don't know. She broke up with me."

"What?" Blaine didn't think he heard him right.

"She broke up with me." He said.


"I don't know. All she said was that we need some space apart since we're always together. That shouldn't mean we're broken up, but it is."

"And you haven't talked since...?"

"That day Santana was being Satan." He said.

"Do you think Santana has something to do with it?"

"It wouldn't surprise me." Sam let him read the texts.

"Santana said something about Finn, do you think that's why?"

"I don't know. It could be, but she could at least talk to me about it instead of just breaking up with me like she did."

"True, that's cold. Kurt is supposed to be going over to see her today so maybe she'll tell him why." Sam nodded and sighed. He drank some more water and gave the bottle back to Blaine.

"I'm gonna run a couple more laps." He said.

"Don't get too hot Sam."

"I'm not, bro. I'm fine." He said and ran off.


"Hey girl! Where have you been?" Kurt asked, hugging Rachel. She smiled slightly.

"I've just been here, spending time with my dads." She said.

"Why haven't you and Sam been together? Are you two still arguing?"

"We weren't really arguing. I was was a one sided argument, me being the one arguing. I um...I broke up with him."

"What? Why would you do that?" She let him read the texts and then she explained to him why she broke up with him."I understand that it's still hard for you Rachel, but I'm pretty sure you broke that boys heart. You were together for almost two years and then you go and break up with him. You should have talked to him about it, Rachel. You know he would understand."

"I know, but after what Santana said...It just hurts to think of it happening again."

"I understand that, but you still should have given him an explanation other than being together all the time."

"I know. I will, I just need to figure out how to do it."


Later that night, the Evans were in the living room watching TV and talking. Dwight noticed how quiet Sam was being.

"You alright son?" Sam didn't answer. Liz snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"Huh? What?" He asked.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine, just tired." He said. He looked at his phone. It was ten o'clock. He stood up and said,"I'm gonna go to bed." He kissed his mom and sisters goodnight and fist bumped his dad and brother and went to bed.

No one expected what happened the next day.

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