The Epic Gender Reveal

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The whole Castle family walked into the precinct with such style that almost everyone turned to look at them. Castle and Beckett hand in hand, Brooklyn holding a huge balloon on a string, the balloon trailing behind her, and Alexis, having the most fun pushing the stroller with Karen in it.

The balloon Brooklyn was holding, in detail, was huge, black with white question marks all over it. Esposito and Ryan looked up from their work and stood by their desks, even Montgomery came out, all the boys having a sly smirk on their faces.

"The answer, to our money, lies in this very balloon, my dear uncles," Brooklyn said dramatically, "Captain? Can we pop this in the interrogation room?"

Captain Montgomery said thoughtfully, "I think you'd better pop it here, a lot of people made bets on the gender of this baby, more than you could ever think of."

Just then, Jenny and Lanie both came rushing into the bullpen, they both let out a sigh of relief when they saw the balloon was still in shape and perfectly unpopped.

"Phew, thanks Javi," Lanie said, "Got your text."

Beckett looked at Jenny unbelievably, "Ryan? You even got Jenny in on this?"

Ryan shrugged innocently, "Maybeee."

"Detectives," Montgomery said sternly, with a hint of humor in his voice, "Less talking, more popping."

"Brooke, ready?" Castle asked mischievously, Brooklyn smiled in the exact same way her father did, grabbed the pair of scissors from her mom's desk and jabbed it directly at the balloon, but stopped just before the sharp end made contact with the elastic. More detectives were gathering around with anticipation on their faces, apparently waiting for their money.


She laughed, enjoying everyone's misery, and while everyone was laughing their asses off , Brooklyn suddenly jabbed in straight into the balloon and it made a huge popping sound, and confetti came flying onto everyone's heads like snow. The girls squealed and giggled while some people celebrated, and the others already taking the money out, losing the bet.

Oh wait, you wanna know what color the confetti was? I almost forgot, well, if you must know:

It was blue confetti, to be exact.

Castle gave Beckett an intimate kiss while Esposito started dealing money, handing out to winners and taking in from losers.

"We're having a brother, Brooke!" Alexis squealed.

Castle joked, "I'm finally having another man in the house after three girls!"

Beckett laughed heartily and gave the boys, Lanie and Jenny hugs and was bombarded with congratulations. Castle almost wanted to invite everyone to the Old Haunt for a drink, but remembered he couldn't bring the girls in and dropped it, and mentally realized. He had another reveal to plan, but a little smaller, maybe at the loft.

Castle and Beckett had more work to do, they had to decide on a baby name, and announce it.

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