Brooklyn's Secret

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Brooklyn was searching for a specific book in the library when someone suddenly covered her eyes.

"Hey Bray," she smiled, knowing who that was.

"What are you doing?" the boy asked, removing his hands from Brooklyn's eyes.

"Getting a book for my History project."

Brayden Taylor is Brooklyn's new and secret boyfriend, they met in the bookstore one day when Castle was having one of his book signings and they found out they both study in Marlowe Prep. Soon they hit it off and fell in love.

Brayden reached to the top shelf and got a big thick book for Brooklyn.

"This one? I needed this for my History project last year as well."

Brayden is also one year older than Brooklyn, she's afraid that her parents would disagree so she kept it secret for now.

"Yes, thankyou so much! I definitely need this!"

"Hey... so about tonight, do I pick you up from your apartment or what?"

"No! Don't pick me up! I'll meet you in the street round my building okay?"

"You still haven't told your mom?"

Brooklyn nodded, "She's a bit overprotective and so is my dad, they would freak if they found out I have a boyfriend! Plus I am their oldest and only daughter and they... don't even bring that up anymore," she sighed.

"Okay," Brayden said, "I'll see you tonight then."

"I'll see you tonight," a small smile crept up Brooklyn's face.


"Mom! Dad! I'm going out!" Brooklyn yelled and ran out of her room.

"Where are you going?"

"Er... Bailey's place! Girls' night! Best friends have to get together sometimes you know!" she stuttered.

"Okay, you sure are dressed nicely for girls' night!" Castle said.

"Well... I have to dress up nicely sometimes!"

"Are you staying the night?"

"Nah, I'll be back by ten! No! Make that eleven!"

"Ten thirty Brooklyn, that's your curfew!"

"Okay! Ten thirty, I will be going!" Brooklyn said and ran out of the apartment.

"She's weird," Castle commented.

"She got that from you," Kate whispered and kissed him lightly on his lips.

Brooklyn raced out of the building and saw Brayden by the corner of the street.

"Hey Bray!"

"Hey Brooke, ready to go?"

"Yeah," she said, taking his arm and heading towards Central Park.

Meanwhile in the loft Kate remembered that she had to tell Brooklyn something about Jim coming to visit, so she dialled Brooklyn's cell, but it went straight to voicemail.


"Yeah, it's weird, girls usually never let their phones leave their sights."

"Maybe they put it on silent," Castle suggested.

"They never put their phones on silent, I'll call Bailey," Kate said and dialled Bailey's cell.


"Hi Bailey, this is Brooklyn's mom calling."

"Hi Detective Beckett! How can I help you?"

"Can I speak to Brooklyn?"

"Brooklyn? She's not here!"

"But she said she was coming over to your place!"

"She's not Detective Beckett, isn't she answering her cell?"

"She's not, anyway, thanks Bailey."

"Anytime Detective Beckett."

Kate hung up and looked at Castle.

"She lied to us! Why would she even lie?"

"Can't you track down her phone's GPS and see where she is, she could be in trouble!"

Kate considered this for a while, then she took out her phone and clicked on the NYPD app and entered her daughter's cell phone number.

"She's in Central Park, let's go."


Kate and Castle sat in their car, each holding a binocular in hand, and watched their daughter with some boy in the park.

"You recognize that boy?" Castle asked, focusing his binoculars on the boy.

"No... I don't think so."

Then without warning they saw their daughter kiss the boy, their jaws dropped and Castle's face was red with fury.

"Castle, it's nine forty five, she'll be home soon, we have to go."

Castle dropped his binoculars, and sat back in his chair with his arms crossed, Kate sighed as she drove the car back to the loft.


Brooklyn entered the loft looking as happy as ever, Kate and Castle on the other hand, was glaring at Brooklyn as she entered the loft.

"What?" Brooklyn asked.

"Where were you tonight Brooklyn?" Castle asked.

"I was at Bailey's place, I told you. Why do you look so mad anyway? It's ten thirty, I'm home on time."

"Brooklyn why were you at Central Park?" Kate asked.

"How did you... You tracked my phone?!"

"You were not at Bailey's place so we got worried, we tracked down your phone to Central Park. It doesn't explain why you lied to us!"

"Who was that boy Brooklyn?" Castle asked.

"You spied on me?!"

"Brooklyn you lied to us, you'd better start explaining."

"You spied on me! You violated my privacy!"

"You violated our trust!" Kate said angrily.

"Who is that boy Brooklyn?!" Castle yelled.

"He's my boyfriend!"

"Your what?"

"My boyfriend! You heard me!"

"We didn't allow you to date!"

"Since when do I need permission to date someone?!"

"You are going to break up with him and you're grounded for six weeks!" Castle said.

"I hate you! Sometimes I wished Mom never forgave you!" Brooklyn screamed and stormed up to her bedroom.

She cried herself to sleep that night, she loved Brayden and she always will, and she is not going to let something like her parents sabotage her chance of her happy forever after.


Author's Note: Guess what? God answered to my prayers! There's a typhoon signal number eight here in Hong Kong and school is cancelled! Yay!!!!!!! No school! *happy dance* So to honor the typhoon here's another chapter, some of you have suggested Brooklyn having a boyfriend so I used it, thanks for your suggestions! As some of you know I live in a dorm so this morning I was hoping so bad that we didn't have to go to school (we saw the typhoon coming but we hoped it wouldn't be cancelled in the morning), so when we woke up at our designated wake up time we knocked on our warden's door and she announced that school is cancelled! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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