Too Close To Home

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"Beckett, fresh one midtown," Ryan announced.

Kate, Esposito and Ryan hopped into their cars and drove to the crime scene, Lanie was kneeling down next to the body and taking noted on her board.

"Hey Lanie, what do we have?" Kate asked.

Why does this man look so familiar?

"White male, mid fifties, two GSWs to the chest, the gun was a .38, driving license listed him as Leonardo Davidson."

Kate froze.

"Leonardo Davidson?"

"Yeah, why?" Ryan said.

"He's Josh's dad, um... I have to go and make a call," Kate said and walked towards a corner.

"Her fiancé's dad, future in-law, that's harsh," Ryan commented.

"Real harsh, think she's emotionally okay?" Esposito asked Lanie.

"She was never close to her future in-laws, but Josh would be emotionally unstable. He's already pissed with Brooklyn, this would just be throwing gasoline on fireworks," Lanie said.

"Er... Guys, I can deal with Josh's interview on my own okay? The vic my future in-law, we have to solve this ASAP to give Josh some closure okay?"

The three agreed and they brought their work back to the precinct.


"Lanie, what's new?" Kate demanded as she entered the morgue.

"A letter to you and Josh," Lanie said and handed her a piece of paper in the evidence bag.

Kate read it, and felt that it was weird.

'Dear Kate and Josh,

I know I don't have long, so I thought I would put my feelings into this letter for you two.

Kate, you are an extraordinary woman and Josh is lucky to have met you. Brooklyn is a bright little girl who is lucky to have you as her mother. I hope you and Josh can live your married life to the fullest and hopefully someday have some grandchildren for Cheryl to spoil rotten like we originally planned it.

Josh, you have made me proud and grown into an amazing man. It was no coincidence you met Kate, she is a wonderful young lady that deserves to be respected and loved, treasure her son. Brooklyn may not have warmed up to you yet, but stepparents are always hard for the child, give her more time, she would warm up to you eventually.

Lastly, express my deepest feelings to Cheryl will you? Now I shall be on my way.

All the best,


Kate felt that Leonardo knew he was going to die soon, everyone could have saw that.

"Kate? What are you thinking?"

"It was hard on Josh, now with Brooklyn's name and custody issues, the wedding, moving in and the case, everything is just one big mess," Kate said.

"Did the papers get signed yet?"

"I'm going to Castle's place tonight and his lawyer is bringing up the papers, I need to see my girl anyway," Kate forced a smile.

"Brooklyn Beckett-Castle or just Brooklyn Castle?" Lanie asked.

"Both are acceptable, but the school would call her Brooklyn Castle so it won't be too long."

"Just ring me up if you need help, got it?"

"Got it, see you around Lanie."


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