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Beckett wanted to find Brooklyn, she has been gone for three days and she never showed up.

Josh and Beckett have grown really close, it has only been three days, but both of them are not that young anymore, in their thirties to be exact, so they actually slept together the night before.

Beckett had one thought, Brooklyn might have gone to Castle. Brooklyn had been to Castle's place, but Beckett didn't want to see him.

Beckett would do anything to have Brooklyn back, so she went to Castle's loft and tried to find Brooklyn.

She hesitated before knocking on the door, Alexis opened it and hugged her.

"Kate! I missed you!"

"Hey Alexis, by any chance, is Brooklyn here?"

Alexis looked at her and turned her head, "BROOKLYN! YOUR MOM IS HERE!"

When Brooklyn heard this upstairs, she was shocked that her mom came, so she hid in the closet and remained silent.

"BROOKLYN?!" Alexis called.

Alexis invited Kate in and Castle heard it, he came out of his office and saw her on the couch.

"Hey Kate," he said.

"Castle," she said curtly.

"You figured Brooklyn came here right?"

"Yeah... well she wasn't at any of my friends' places so where could she be?"

"Is it true? That you have a new boyfriend?" Castle asked.

"Yeah, and is it a problem?"

"No, not at all."

"Kate? Brooklyn doesn't want to come down!" Alexis said in the middle of the staircase.

"Castle, can I go talk to her?" Beckett asked.

"Why can't you? You're her mom."

Beckett walked upstairs to the guest bedroom, but the door was already locked.

"Brooklyn? Brooklyn honey, open the door," Beckett knocked.

"Go away," Brooklyn said.

"I'm not going anywhere Brooklyn, I'm not leaving until we talk this through."

"What is there to talk about? You chose Josh, deal with it!"

"I didn't choose anything, and even if I had to I would have chosen you."

"Mom I know you are now Josh's girlfriend! I know what's going on!"

"How did you know?"

"I'm not an idiot Mom! I know the necklace you gave me was a wire! But I disabled it after I found out and I activated it before I left! I know how to hack into the system Mom! I heard what you said!"

Brooklyn is smart! The necklace is a listening device, Beckett figured if Brooklyn was ever in any trouble she can have a tracking and listening device on her, she never eavesdropped on her daughter, she did that for precautions.

"Brooklyn I didn't eavesdrop on you! I put the listening device in for precautions!"


"Please open the door Brooklyn! I want to talk to you face to face!"

"We're done talking!"

"I'm not leaving until we sort this out!"

"I think we just did! I can live with Dad, Alexis and Gram and you can start your life all over again with Josh!"

"Brooklyn please just come out!"

"Kate..." a warm hand was placed on her shoulder, she turned around to see Castle.

"Castle what do you want?"

"Let me do it."

"Fine, you go ahead."

"Brooklyn please open the door, I know how you feel but your mom just wants to fix this. Can you please open the door?"

"What makes you think that you can make me open the door?" Brooklyn asked.

"I'm just giving it a shot Brooklyn."

Surprisingly, Brooklyn opened the door.

"I'm only doing this because Dad asked me to," she said coldly.

Castle stood aside and Beckett hugged Brooklyn tightly.

"How's your foot?" Beckett asked.


"You still have your appointment in a couple days you know?"

"Can I have Aunt Lanie check on it instead?"

"I'm sure I can make some adjustments."

"Kate? Are you staying for dinner?" Alexis asked.

"I'm staying," Brooklyn said.

"Then I'm staying too," Beckett replied.


Beckett and Brooklyn sat in the guest room, Brooklyn glared at her mother while Beckett was actually breaking inside, Brooklyn has never been so mad at her before.

"Brooklyn I know that Josh came all of a sudden but it can be a new start in both our lives, I know a stepfather is hard for you, especially now you have Castle, but can you just think about it?"

"You just admitted that you still love Dad, I want him in my life too you know? So why can't we all give this family a shot? You had to go and hook up with Josh did you?"

"Josh is nice! But hey you can always come here and hang out with your dad okay?"

"Why can't you give Dad a shot?"

Brooklyn's eyes are not filled with anger and hatred, but sadness.

"He had it, but he didn't take it, can things go back to normal now? We can go home and pretend this never happened."

"Dad loves you Mom, and he loves me like he loves Alexis, and I know you Mom, you like Alexis, we can be a family Mom, why can't we take this chance?"

"Some things are better forgotten," Beckett said, "But are we good."

A smile crept over Brooklyn's face, "Yeah, we're good."

Finding My Way Back To You (A Castle FanFic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now