And Baby Makes Five

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The whole family went out for the rest of the day, buying tasers, guns and baby stuff for Karen. Everyone except Castle was so glad when they got back to the loft after being on their feet nonstop due to Castle nagging to buy everything he sees.

"I haven't been shopping for three hours straight since the last time Lanie tried to set me up on a date!" Kate exclaimed.

"I have never been shopping for three hours straight!" Brooklyn complained.

"I have never done that before as well," Alexis agreed.

"Come on! You have to admit, it was fun!"

"It's physical AND mental torture! It's even worse than math!" Brooklyn complained.

"Even she fell asleep!" Alexis exclaimed, pointing to Karen, who was fast asleep in Kate's arms.

"I'll put her down," Kate said and went into their room.

"I'll go and set up her crib," Castle said and followed Kate.

After setting up Karen's crib, Kate was so exhausted that she fell asleep on the bed right away, Castle smiled at Kate and Karen, he hoped one day it would be their future together, a family.

He curled up next to Kate and fell asleep too, next to her.


"MOM! DAD!" Brooklyn screamed, entering their room, carrying Karen, who was sucking on her thumb, in her arms and hitting her parents with a pillow.

"DAD! KATE! WAKE UP!" Alexis screamed, following her sister.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Castle muttered, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.



Castle shushed them, "Give her a break, girls. Kate has had a hard day, let her sleep."

"Okay, but can we order pizza?" Brooklyn begged.

"No, no way in hell we're ordering pizza takeout!" Castle exclaimed.


"Security issues, Alexis, you and I are going to be getting pizza, Brooklyn, stay here and watch Karen. Lock the doors and windows, don't open the door unless we knock our passcode knock and wake your mom up if there are any signs of trouble, got it?"

"Sir, yes sir!" Brooklyn saluted.

"Keep your taser in hand," Castle said and picked up his coat and headed out the door.

"So... It's just you and me cous," Brooklyn said to Karen and sat her down on her lap.


Kate woke up to Barney's stupid 'I love you' song playing on the TV, she put on her robe and walked out of the bedroom to see Karen on the floor, happily watching Barney and Brooklyn holding a notebook and a pen.

"Barney? Seriously, Brooke?"

"Karen wouldn't stop crying unless I play Barney, and I am trying to come up with different versions of the stupid 'I love you' song," Brooklyn said, looking up from her notebook.

"Sing me one of them," Kate said and sat down on the couch.

Brooklyn waited, then joined in the song in the second verse.

"I hate you

You hate me

Let's tie Barney to a tree

You'll get the matches, I'll get the gas

Let's fire up his purple ass"

"That is so awesome!" Kate said and high fived Brooklyn.

"I have another one! Hold up."

"I hate you

You hate me

Barney gave me HIV

So I kicked him in the balls and shot him in the head

Now the purple bastard's dead"

"Why do we have Barney DVDs in the house anyway? I never let you watch Barney, we never had any Barney DVDs when we moved in. So where did these come from?"

"I don't think Dad lets Alexis watch Barney," Brooklyn agreed.

Kate shrugged.

"So what did I watch when I was a kid?"

"I never let you watch anything stupid and childish, maybe I let you watch cartoons like Spongebob and Mickey Mouse Club House, but I read to you a lot and I think your grandpa made you watch soap operas with him when I was in the academy and in college."

"I hate soap operas!"

"Me too, I mean, I did try to stay up and watch one when I was six, but I fell asleep halfway through," Kate said.

Then someone knocked a rhythm on the door.

"That's Dad with the pizza!"

"Race you to the door?"

"You bet!" Brooklyn said and pushed Kate back down onto the couch on the way.



"Pepperoni with extra cheese is always gonna be my fave!" Brooklyn said in delight after eating her third slice.

"I never really had a lot of pizza in England," Alexis said.

"We made pizzas once, remember?" Castle said.

"Yes, I believe we did."

"Karen, open up," Kate was trying to get Karen to eat the baby food.

But Karen was refusing to eat anything.

"Come on, the baby food can't be that bad," Kate said and shoved a spoonful into her mouth, but then she spit it out.

"Always let Mommy try the food before eating it first, clever girl, Karen," Brooklyn laughed.

"I'll chop up bananas for her," Kate sighed in defeat and went to chop up some bananas for Karen.

"Come on, Kate, do have some pizza, I'll get the bananas for you, you haven't eaten a single slice and Brooklyn is already halfway through hers," Alexis said sweetly.

Brooklyn looked up, with the tip of her slice already in her mouth and holding the crust with her hand.

"It's alright, Alexis, I can manage, it's not the first time I haven't eaten dinner," Kate smiled.

"Please let me help."

"Okay," Kate gave in and handed Alexis the knife as she went to the counter.

"Are we supposed to bring her in tomorrow?" Castle asked.

"I think so, yes," Kate answered and ate her pizza.

"Oh, and I need your permission to go to the museum, school trip, sign the permission slip for me later?" Brooklyn said with her mouth full of pizza.

"Don't speak with your mouth full."

"The museum? You've been there a thousand times!"

"School trips mean no lessons, I'm willing to take that offer."

"Sure, why not?" Kate said.

I'm not sure if you can call that a family, a complete one, but I sure think they are one.

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