1st/47th Date

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"You sure you're okay being alone here?" Kate asked again.

"I'm fourteen Mom, I can manage one night without you," Brooklyn said.

Castle plucked up the courage to ask Kate out on a date, it's their first date (technically their 47th), Castle insisted on doing this like a first date.

Someone knocked on the door, Brooklyn raced to the door, she opened it and leapt into her father's arms.


"Hey Brooklyn Bridge," Castle teased.

When Castle and Kate started dating, he started calling Brooklyn 'Brooklyn Bridge' as her nickname, like how Alexis is Pumpkin actually.

"You and Mom go and have fun on your date! I won't mind if Mom doesn't come home tonight though, as long as she spends her night in the loft," Brooklyn flashed her dad a gummy smile.

"Watch your mouth Brooklyn," Kate smiled and came to the door.

She was in a very simple, strapless black dress (the one she had in the Scotland Yard episode) and her hair was in a waterfall braid (which Brooklyn insisted on doing).

"You look beautiful Kate."

Kate giggled and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Why are you still here? Go out! Have fun!" Brooklyn said and pushed her parents out of the apartment.


Kate headed to Castle's Ferrari, being the gentleman that he is, opened the door and let Kate in first.

Castle started the Ferrari and they drove to the restaurant.

"So... is this our first date or forty seventh date?" Kate asked.

"I'll call it forty seventh, I can never forget our first date," Castle smiled.

"I thought you were a player and took you to wrestling and I broke your arm," Kate giggled.

"But you took me out to dinner in return."

"I missed high school." said Kate.

"I did too, I missed the old days, I missed America, and I missed you," Castle admitted.

"I missed you too babe."

"So... all these years, you seriously never had a boyfriend, Josh excluded."

"Yeah, I still loved you, I still hoped that you would come back so I just focused on work and Brooklyn, no time for a boyfriend, or that was what I thought," Kate smiled, "I did have time for romance, but I just chose not to include romance in my life back then."

When they reached the really fancy restaurant (and really expensive, I might add), they were lead to a really fancy table (I would just say everything is fancy there) and they ordered the food.

"You have really good taste Castle, I love the food here," Kate smiled.

"I'm glad you do," Castle grinned and drank his soup and ate his salad (appetizers).

"You know when Brooklyn was seven, we went to a family member's wedding, both Brooklyn and I didn't want to go but my dad insisted that we should. Brooklyn put on this huge tantrum that she didn't want the dress we picked out for her and she ended up wearing a ripped up dress I got her for Halloween and that was epic. You should have seen the look on Dad's face, it was priceless," Kate laughed at that memory.

"A ripped up dress?" Castle laughed.

"Brooklyn became a tomboy when she turned seven, something inside her changed and she never wears a dress anymore, if she needs to wear a dress it's either for school or she's going with the rebel theme."

"Now you bring that up I really have never seen Brooklyn in a dress."

"Well when she gets a boyfriend I think she would be wearing one, especially at prom."

"No one is going near Brooklyn!" Castle protested.

"That was what my dad said when I was a little girl, look how I ended up."

"True," he laughed.

They had an enjoyable date, it was really nice, Castle dropped Kate off at her doorstep, with a very heated makeout session, and left.

Kate entered the apartment and found Brooklyn typing away on her laptop.

"What are you doing?"

"Going on RichardCastle.net to dig up about Dad," Brooklyn replied casually.

"How did you even find his website?" Kate asked unbelievably.

"Mom, I'm 14, I know people who know people."

"Well you're just growing up too fast Brooke, now go to bed, it's past your bedtime."

Brooklyn sighed and shut dow her laptop.

"Didn't you stay at his place?" Brooklyn asked before going into her room.

"If you stayed at Dad's maybe I will stay at his place, sweet dreams Brooke."

"Night Mom," Brooklyn said and shut her door.


Author's Note: So school started and here I am with another chapter! Being in eighth grade is hard work! Hopefully things would be more awesome in the future! But anyway, do you guys have any idea what should happen? I'm running out of ideas and I need your help, thanks!

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