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"How can she be missing when you're only a step behind her?!" Brooklyn yelled at Esposito and Ryan.

"We don't know why Brooklyn, but we will try to get her back as soon as possible," Ryan said.

"You'd better! I need her!"

"You need to stay at your dad's, Montgomery is calling him now and he's going to pick you up."

"Of course I need to stay at Dad's, or else where would I go?" Brooklyn snapped.

Castle rushed in after ten minutes, Brooklyn hugged him tightly, both of them are trying not to show their weak sides, they have to be strong.

"Brooklyn, I have to talk to Captain Montgomery," Castle said.


"I just have to."


"Well in that case, welcome to the team Castle," Montgomery said.

Castle called the mayor and insisted that he should follow the team to catch whoever kidnapped Kate, he did that because he loved her, not because he wanted to play cop.

Montgomery called in the boys and explained that Castle would be shadowing them on this case, under normal circumstances the boys would be thrilled, but with Kate missing this is becoming very dangerous.

Castle told Brooklyn everything, but she wasn't exactly pleased.

"Mom is already missing and you're putting your life in the line to get her?! What if you get killed?!" Brooklyn yelled.

"Brooklyn it's just this one case, I need to get Kate back, and I promise I'll never leave you."

"Don't make vain promises! This is a hard job and what if you die?! Who's gonna take me in?! I can't lose both my parents Dad!"

"Brooklyn I promise, whatever I do it would be for getting your mom back, and even if it means I have to die to save Kate, I'd be willing to do that," Castle said, looking down at his daughter.

"You really do love her don't you?"

"Yeah, I really do," he said softly.


Kate woke up to binding lights in her eyes, she woke up to find that she was tied to a chair.

"Good, you're up," said a deep voice.

"Who are you?"

"You don't have to know Detective Beckett," the voice became a shadow, a manly figure.

"How did you know my name?"

"You're the investigating officer of Leonardo Davidson's case."

"You killed him didn't you?"

"I think you would know the answers to that Detective, by the way, your rings are really beautiful," he said.

Then Kate realized her necklace was no longer around her neck.

"Give me back the rings," she said in a demanding tone.

The manly figure became clear to Kate, that guy was the one who killed Leonardo Davidson.

"Oh no Detective, we are gonna have some fun," the man said and slowly traced a cut on Kate's thigh as she screamed in agony.


Josh came barging in the precinct, obviously none of the people were happy to see him, taking advantage of no one knowing that they broke up, he marched up to the gang as the raged fiancé.

"Where's Kate?!" Josh yelled.

"Gone," Esposito said shortly.

"How can she be gone?!"

"She was kidnapped arresting your dad's murderer!" Brooklyn yelled.

"Don't you dare blame this on me," Josh said warningly.

"Or what?" Brooklyn said in Kate's cocky tone and crossed her arms.

"Oh you're going off to boarding school once I marry your mother Brooklyn," Josh threatened.

"Not a chance," Castle said.

"Excuse me?"

"You don't get any rights in Brooke's life Josh, you're only her soon-to-be stepfather and Kate and I have all the rights to decide on her life," Castle said.

"How can you not have Kate's back?!" Josh changed the subject.

"We were only a second behind her but that stink cloud appeared and blocked our sights," Ryan said.

"Some partners," he scoffed.

"If you were never here then Mom wouldn't be missing!" Brooklyn snapped at Josh, "So don't you dare blame Uncle Javi and Uncle Kevin! You can't even shoot a gun properly!"

"She is my fiancée!" Josh yelled.

"SHE'S MY MOM!" Brooklyn screamed, "You never knew how life was being a cop! What do you know about the outside?!"

"I know that people get shot and tortured!"

"It's more than that! You risk your life trying to get the job done! That's what it's like!"

"So is being a doctor! Those lethal diseases can be transmitted and it can kill!"

"I'm going down to Aunt Lanie's! I had enough of you! By the way, when you and Mom get married, you'd better be that cheating bastard who screws other women so that you can get a divorce!"

Josh slapped Brooklyn straight across the face, Brooklyn was shocked, but she held back her tears and kicked Josh in between his legs.

She turned, her chestnut brown hair flowing behind her and headed down to the morgue.

"That's what you get for messing with Beckett's daughter," Esposito said.

"Think twice before messing with her next time," Ryan said.

Castle walked up to Josh and punched him straight in the face.

"That's for slapping my daughter," he said angrily and headed down to the morgue as well.

Josh had a broken nose and a very painful unit, so he left the precinct groaning in pain and the captain smirked, he knew Beckett Junior would be taking after her mother.

Finding My Way Back To You (A Castle FanFic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now