Rick Castle

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"Dad! Hurry! We can't miss the plane!" yelled Alexis.

"Coming pumpkin!"

Rick Castle ran down the stairs, his mother, daughter and him are moving to the US so Alexis can get to know her country. But of course he had other reasons for going back to America.

Castle already bought an apartment in Manhattan, it's big, two floors. Hopefully he can scroll through law firms and find a Katherine Beckett there.

"Oh Richard why do we need to go back to America? It's perfectly fine here in the United Kingdom!" Martha said.

"Mother, I said this a lot of times, we are going back so Alexis can get to know the US."

"Oh Richard I'm sure you have other reasons," Martha said, implying Beckett.

Castle sighed and hailed a cab to the airport.


On the airplane, they all sat in the first class, Alexis sat next to Martha and Castle sat alone, he kept thinking about Beckett, would she be married? Any kids? Boyfriend or husband?

"Richard," Martha said.


"What is the real reason for you to go back to the United States?"

"For Alexis of course!"

Alexis was fast asleep by the window seat and Martha grasped the chance to talk to Castle.

"Oh Richard! Don't give me this nonsense! I can tell when you're lying."

"I just miss the US, that's all."

"It's about Katherine isn't it?"

"What? Mother don't be silly."

"You are a terrible actor Richard Castle, I know you, you miss her a lot don't you?"

"Mother, I would not like to discuss this okay? I haven't seen Kate in fourteen years, she probably already married."

"Trust me, it's Katherine," Martha said.

Castle pretended he didn't hear anything and watched a movie on his iPad.


After Castle settled into his loft (with all his furniture settled in) he started browsing law firms trying to find Beckett's name in it.

"Richard, would it be okay to take Alexis to Central Park?" Martha said as she entered his office.

"Knock yourself out."



"What got you so attracted to the computer?"

Castle slammed his laptop shut as Martha went over to his desk.

"It's not porn is it?" Martha asked.

"No Mother! Of course not!"

"Then what is it?"

"Just take Alexis to the park."

"Fine, but I will find out what you are up to," Martha assured as she left the office.


Alexis was having a blast in the Central Park, she was fascinated by everything as Martha sat on a bench watching her granddaughter.

Alexis is too old for those playgrounds, so she strolled around the park and saw an ice cream truck, she begged her grandmother to buy her one, so Martha gave her the money to get a cone.

Finding My Way Back To You (A Castle FanFic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now