Welcome to the Family

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Starting note, I'm doing a five month timeskip till when Beckett has the baby. I'm trying to update this more often so I can get the rock off my chest and finish this, I really hate to keep all you waiting.


Five months later...

"See ya Bray!" Brooklyn hastily kissed Brayden goodbye before hopping into Esposito and Ryan's car, which Alexis was already waiting in.

Alexis turned to Brooklyn, her baby blue eyes lighting up with joy, "Can you believe the baby is coming?"

Brooklyn replied in an equally excited tone, "It's just going too fast!"

"And Karen is going to be two, my god," Alexis said unbelievably, "My baby sister is going to be two years old, the terrible twos!"

Through spending so much time in the USA, Alexis had picked up a perfect American accent, but she could switch back to a British one anytime, and that was what made her so special. Even Castle couldn't do that, but it was probably because Alexis learnt her English half in an American accent and half in British and she was mostly raised in Britain.

"Can't believe Mom and Dad won't tell us the name of the baby," Brooklyn said, clearly annoyed, "Uncle Javi, Uncle Kevin?"

Esposito replied, "Yeah?"

"Did they tell you anything?" Alexis asked.

Ryan replied negatively, "Nah, all I know that is Beckett refused to stay at home, so when she went into labor right in the bullpen, Castle was with her, he brought Karen, of course. Captain Montgomery had to babysit Karen, who is probably still in the captain's office. And mostly because Lanie couldn't watch her because we can't have a two year old around dead bodies and dangerous instruments."

"Martha couldn't make it because she was in the middle of a show, but she promised to pick Karen up to the hospital as soon as possible," Esposito added, "Excited for your baby brother?"

Brooklyn's face broke out into a huge smile, "Hell yeah! We finally have a boy in the house, and we need to start planning Mom and Dad's wedding anyway."

"Dad must be pleased," Alexis added.

"Who are we? Next door neighbors?" Esposito feigned being mad at Brooklyn not considering him and Ryan as 'boys in the house'.

Ryan chipped in, "Yeah, it's like what Montgomery says, I'm Daddy's Boy, and he's Mommy's Boy."

"Good comparison."

When they got to the hospital, Lanie and Jenny were already there, and they announced Martha took Karen down for a food run, seeing as the toddler was nearly screaming for some ice cream.

"How's Mom doing?" Brooklyn asked.

Lanie answered with a warm smile on her face, "She's doing amazing, no complications so far and last time a nurse came out, she's nearly done."

Alexis enquired, "Did Mom or Dad tell you the name of the baby?"

Jenny shook her head, "No, they said they were close to settling on a name, but never told us what it will be."

Just then, Martha and Jim, who probably just arrived and joined the grandma/granddaughter duo in the cafeteria when he saw them, came into sight, Martha holding Karen's hand, who was happily eating an ice cream cone.

"Gran! Gramps!" Alexis squealed and went to hug her grandparents, and Brooklyn followed suit. Both of them also giving Karen a short hug and trying to get a bite from the cone, but Karen was extremely protective of her food. As she grew bigger, she looked more and more similar to Katrina, who was basically Beckett's twin, despite their age differences. A lot of people would mistaken Karen as Beckett's daughter, they had the same brown curls, same hazel eyes. But to avoid confusion with strangers, the Castles would just go with the flow. But to their friends, they would explain in detail that Karen was actually Beckett's niece, who they adopted into their family.

The gang waited for a while, talking, chatting, on their phones, on magazines, but finally, the doctor came out, announcing both Beckett and baby boy Castle were stable and they could be visited. Brooklyn and Alexis basically pushed everyone out of the way and barged into the room, squealing and cooing at their mom holding a small blue bundle. Beckett looked exhausted, her hair messily tied up and the tiredness shown clearly in her eyes. She had been in labor for twelve hours, even if it was her second pregnancy. Brooklyn and Alexis, for once, wanted to stay home so they could visit the hospital as soon as they could if it was in school hours, but Beckett pushed them to school, refusing to let them skip any lessons. But Beckett looked really happy, and it was definitely one of the happiest days of her life.

"I'm so happy for you Mom," Brooklyn was close to tears, which was weird because everyone would expect Beckett to shed tears of happiness instead.

Beckett balanced the baby in one hand and hugged Brooklyn back, resulting in everyone going to hug her. Esposito and Ryan happy for their figurative older sister finally having a boy in the house, Lanie almost crying because she was so proud of Beckett, Jim telling Beckett her mother would be so proud of her, and Martha promising to make him a drama king. Karen climbed into the bed and cuddled with Beckett while she passed the baby around, and as Alexis was holding her baby brother, someone knocked on the door. Ryan, who was closest to the door, opened it, and revealed Captain Montgomery, holding a giant, and by that I mean enormous, teddy bear with a blue bow tie, entering the room.

"Congratulations Detective, Castle," he said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Thank you sir," Beckett replied, smiling.

Montgomery gave Castle the teddy bear, "This is for my nephew who will grow up to be a badass, like his mother."

"Thanks Captain!" Castle said, clearly more intrigued by the teddy bear than his son ever would be.

Lanie suddenly spoke up, "Don't you realize? Our whole NYPD family is here! We need to capture this moment! I'll probably put this picture on my desk."

Everyone agreed and shuffled in place while Lanie asked a nurse to help them take a picture. Karen cuddling next to an exhausted, but extremely happy Beckett, holding the new baby, Castle on her other side with his arm around Beckett's shoulder while Brooklyn sat in the gap between them and Alexis next to Karen, half sitting on the hospital bed and everyone shuffled around them.

"One, two, three," the nurse counted and snapped a couple pictures and they thanked her for her help while everyone got a turn holding the baby. They almost got so preoccupied with everything that they almost forgot the most important thing.

"Mom, Dad, what's his name?" Brooklyn asked. Everyone turned to them, also enquiring the name of the baby.

Castle kissed the top of Beckett's head softly, "You ready Kate?"

Beckett grinned even wider, taking in the moment, "So, everyone. I know everyone has been asking for his name since we found out we were expecting a boy. So after months and months of deliberation..."

"Girl, quit stalling and get to the point," Lanie said and everyone chuckled. They all knew Lanie wasn't a fan of Beckett's stalling.

"So," Beckett said, emphasizing on the word and everyone turned back to her, "We would like to introduce you to the newest addition to the NYPD family, you ready for this?"

"Mom!" Brooklyn whined playfully, "We're so ready!"

Beckett smiled, sharing a knowing look with Castle, "Jackson Roy Castle."


A/N: Phew! That was the longest I've written for a while, hope you've enjoyed it and good night!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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