Kate's Back

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Esposito and Ryan were looking frantically for clues where Kate might be, she was nowhere to be found, which sucks because the longer this takes, the more trouble she is in.

"Espo! We have a hit!" Ryan yelled.

They got the address, Castle got a "WRITER" vest just the other day so he can go on field when they find Kate, it's their chance now.

The SWAT team, Ryan, Esposito, Castle and Brooklyn are heading towards the abandoned warehouse where they believed Kate was held hostage. Castle and Brooklyn are in the backseat of Ryan and Esposito's car, an ambulance was following up behind for Kate when she is rescued.

They arrived, everyone was hustling, getting their vests on and readying their weapons. Brooklyn stayed in the backseat, watching everyone get ready.

"Castle, it's dangerous there, so you need this," Ryan took out his backup from his ankle and gave it to Castle.

"Thanks Ryan, now let's go and get Kate back, we can't lose her," Castle said and lined up by the wall.

"Everyone! The target is our suspect in our investigation," Esposito said this and took a picture of the suspect out of his back pocket, showing it to everyone, "Whatever you do, don't hurt Beckett, we'll approach him quietly and ambush him from behind, got it?"

Everyone nodded so they entered the building.

Please let everyone be okay, Brooklyn silently prayed.

Esposito, Ryan and Castle were approaching together, suddenly they hear a faint scream ahead, they walked in and found a door, they listened and heard Kate's crying voice and the suspect's cruel voice.

"Approach in on three okay?" Esposito whispered.

Ryan and Castle nodded.

"One, two, three."

Esposito kicked down the door.

"NYPD! Let me see your hands!"

The suspect saw them, panicked and opened up a door in the end of the room.

"Back door, go!" Ryan said and Esposito and him raced out the backdoor.

"Kate!" Castle hurried to Kate, who was tied up in the chair and all banged up. He loosened the ropes for her, "You okay?"

Kate shook her head and buried into Castle's chest crying.


Brooklyn was seriously bored in the car, she was holding her stun gun in her hand and then she heard a commotion. She looked ahead and saw the suspect running out from the back door. The suspect headed towards Brooklyn.

"Get out of the car!" He said, pointing a gun at Brooklyn.

She was scared, but she had a plan in mind, she slowly opened the door and got out, when the suspect tried to run towards the driver's seat she turned on her stun gun and stunned him for a good long time until her uncles came running out of the back door.

"That's what you get for taking my mom," she said and let him go of the gun, for an additional measure she kicked him in between his legs HARD, "And that's for murdering a guy"

Esposito ran to cuff him up and Ryan hugged his niece, "You okay?"

"Yeah, is Mom okay?"

"She's a bit banged up inside, once she's brought out you can see her."


Inside with Kate and Castle, Castle was comforting Kate and Kate finally stopped crying.

Finding My Way Back To You (A Castle FanFic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now