2p! (Part 1)

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Note: Based off of fanart from kkeomu on Tumblr. You should totally go check them out! And yes, I do realize that 2p! Is also a Hetalia thing. I hope you enjoy this one-shot, though!

Pairing: Vancat

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Vanoss screeched. His boss had just set him up on another heist even though he had already done one that week.

"No. I'll text you the details. Don't disappoint me."

And with that, the call ended.

Vanoss sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. God, his boss was such a fucking prick sometimes. "Wildcat! Get your ass down here!" Vanoss yelled. He heard footsteps come down and the familiar sniffle of his colleague.

"Y-yes?" Wildcat stuttered, wiping his eyes.

"Get your shit together. We got another heist to do." Wildcat's eyes widened.

"W-what? But we already did a heist this week!" He protested.

"Yeah, well, our boss is a fucking dick and sent us on another suicide mission. Let's go." Vanoss grabbed his white owl mask and put it on, Wildcat grabbing his own pig mask and helmet, putting that on as well as they left.


With the adrenaline rush now coursing through Wildcat's veins, he was much more fit for driving the getaway car. He slammed on the gas, the car lurching forward as smoke rose from the tires.

Wildcat took sharp turns left and right, trying to avoid the cops. "Learn how to fucking drive, Wildcat!" Vanoss screamed as he lurched to the side once more, trying to shoot the cops.

"Do you want to get out of here or not?" Wildcat yelled back. Wildcat felt the glare from his leader and winced a bit. He hated that feeling, and he knew he was going to regret saying anything when they got back to base.

Shots rang out back and forth between Vanoss and the cops, the sound painfully loud. Vanoss let out a yell of pain from the back, and Wildcat knew he had been shot. Wildcat pushed on the gas even harder, as Vanoss needed to get out of there now. He was already beat up from having a fight with one of the cops earlier.

Wildcat tried to pull Vanoss away, but it was too late; he had already pulled out his gun and shot. That's what had started the whole thing; they would have gotten away fine if Vanoss wasn't so hot-headed.

But what could Wildcat do? Wildcat's only purpose was to be a getaway driver and a medic, no more. Well, the medic part wasn't really his job, but they considered him one from the amount of times he had been shot. His arms were littered with stitches from previous wounds.

Another shot rang out, and Wildcat looked down at his arm. His arm was bleeding. Wildcat felt the tears prick at his eyes, but he held them back. He had to be focused on getting them out of there.

Eventually, he did get them out. It was almost a miracle, since the police would not give up. But they eventually got away, and quickly sped back to base. Wildcat carried Vanoss inside and set him on the counter, grabbing the medkit. "You're bleeding, dumbass." Vanoss remarked.

"I know, but you're the one that got into a fight with the cops, so you're gonna get fixed up first," Wildcat retorted, cringing at his own words. He was really gonna get an ass kicking later. Wildcat removed the white owl mask and winced.

Vanoss looked like complete shit; his nose was bleeding, he had a black eye and half of his face was bruised and starting to swell a bit. Wildcat removed the blue jacket Vanoss was wearing to reveal even more bruises along his arms. His knuckles were also bruised from the fistfight with the cop. Wildcat sighed. He had a lot of work to do.


A couple of hours later, Wildcat was done with Vanoss and was working on himself. He had finally got the bullet out and was patching it up at the moment. Wildcat looked at the older wounds and redid the bandages. He had some around his neck, hands, and arms. It was amazing that he hadn't done anything to his face yet.

Vanoss was still sitting on the counter, playing with the bandages on his hands. "How do you deal with this stuff? You can't do shit with these," Vanoss asked, motioning to them.

"Bandages help keep your knuckles from bruising and breaking," Wildcat replied as he put the medkit away.

Vanoss became silent as he slid off of the countertop, wobbling a bit before regaining his balance. He grabbed a bottle of scotch from the counter and started drinking from the bottle.

At this point he didn't really care; he just wanted to drink his problems away. His main problem was that he didn't know how to talk to people correctly. What this meant was that he wanted to thank Wildcat at least once for dealing with his shit, but couldn't find the words for it. For some reason, it had really started to big him. So, he drank instead of doing anything about it.

The alcohol brought Wildcat bad memories of his childhood as he started to tear up again. He walked back into his room upstairs before starting to sob. It was so hard not to, but he couldn't help it. He had to let it all out at some point. And everyone knew about it, too. Nobody said anything about it, though.

Wildcat also crying for another reason; he hated the sarcastic remarks that he made during his adrenaline rush, and always wanted to apologize for it. But Vanoss was probably going to kill him for even speaking to him, so he couldn't say anything. He wished he could, though.

So both men sat, not being able to deal with their problems for being too afraid of the consequences. It was going to be a long night for the both of them.

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