A/N 13 (Tags)

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Heyo everybody! I got tagged in something by Sleepylirious, so yeah. Let's do this!

1. Do I like someone? Nope. Unless my boyfriend counts.

2. Do they like me? Well, I mean, I would like to think that, yes.

3. Middle name? Lynn.

4. Single or Taken? Taken :)

5. Last person I texted? My dad... I swear I have friends.

6. Last song I listened to? I don't remember...

7. Battery percentage? 63%

8. Girl best friend? All of my friends are my best friends???

9. Guy best friend? See above answer.

10. Favorite OTP? Oh god, don't make me choose. I don't have one!!!

11. Why I made my account? To read fan fiction. I honestly wasn't expecting to start writing it myself, and when I did... Well, I think you can all see what happened. But that couldn't have happened without you guys, so thank you all so much :)

12. Current lock screen? I actually don't have one at the moment... I should really fix that.

13. Birthday? July 23. I'm a summer baby :)


14. Favorite youtuber? Either Wildcat, Delirious, Bryce, or Ohm. I can't choose!

15. Zodiac sign? Leo (though some things say I'm a Cancer)

16. Favorite color? Rainbow, because fuck the system! (I'm pretty sure this was on the last tag, but whatever)

17. Zodiac crush? My boyfriend's an Aquarius, so.

18. Favorite song? I don't have one, there's so many to choose from!!!

19. Sexuality? Bisexual :)

20. Left or right handed? Right handed.

And that's all the questions! It says to tag 20 people, but you know what? Screw that, man. Whoever wants to do it can do it!

Anyways, Enjoy the rest of the one-shots, and feel free to request anything!

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