Chapter 11 Supernatural

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Chapter 11 Supernatural

Truth be known I had started to suspect the same thing. Oh, my, god, I can almost hear you laughing at me. Seriously, think about it. How many vampire myths have you heard? Hundreds - right? Myths and stuff have to come from somewhere, right?

Eric had slowed the car and pulled into a dark parking lot. He cut off the lights but left the car running. I turned more towards the backseat, not easy to do in bucket seats just so you know. The top of my leg touched the seat. My knee was almost touching the center console.

So if what Mr. Angelov said about vampires spreading myths with fact and fiction is taken into context then it made sense.

But I didn't believe in all the other mumbo jumbo. casters, fairies and stuff, that was just too out there. Vampires I could understand. That was just a genetic mutation if Mr. Angelov was to be believed. All that other stuff was supernatural magical crap.

At that moment my attention had shifted to Amy. "What do you mean?" I asked in an attempt to understand what she meant. Did she mean the vampires or all that other crap?

"They are real. Vampires. Remember when my family went to Jamaica?"

I nodded, "Your Aunt Kathie's wedding, right?" I said confused by the sudden shift of conversation.

Amy nodded. "I didn't lie when I said that it was awesome there. It was. I just didn't tell you everything. I knew, kind of knew, about vampires before I said we should talk to Mr. Angelov."

"Amy, your confusing me. What does Jamaica have to do with vampires?" I told her as I lightly shook my head.

"After the wedding we all went to the banquet hall for the reception. They had gone all out. There was food and wine and dancing and then cake and champagne and more dancing. I, um, stole a few glasses of champagne and drank 'em. It was kind of sweet and the bubbles tickled my mouth." She smiled softly.

I started to interrupt because Amy had a lost far away look in her eyes. I just wanted to bring her back to the here and now so we could get some answers. I opened my mouth but snapped it closed as Eric's hand rested on my bent knee. My eyes went to his, he shook his head and nodded to Amy. Amy's smile had fallen. Her eyes were on the the blacked out front windshield.

Finally. "I-" Amy cleared her throat and continued, "I snuck away from the adults because my head felt fuzzy. I was sure my mom would kill me for drinking. I took the stairs but I had to walk slowly because movement made my head swim. I didn't hear anything. I didn't know I wasn't alone. I turned on the- I think it was the third or forth landing and saw them." her face turned red, not pink, red. She lifted a hand wiped her mouth. "Shanna was wrapped around him, her dress pushed up and his face was buried at the curve of her neck. I thought I just interrupted them-" she shrugged her shoulders, "you know."

My brows furrowed, Amy told me everything but she had never told me about this.

"I said something like, 'Oops, sorry.' and the guy jerked his head to me. It wasn't like in the movies where there's blood everywhere and the vampires face is all distorted." she shook her head. "He was gorgeous but I saw the fangs. I couldn't even scream. Shanna wasn't happy. She tried to pull him back to her. But he sat her down, They hadn't been doing what I thought because his tux was perfectly buttoned. He told me I smelled like heaven. I didn't know I was crying til he reached out and picked up a tear from my cheek. He told me I was safe. He said he wasn't a iuvenes venator sánguinem. I had no idea what he meant."

I watched fascinated and hurt as my best friend told us everything. Amy licked her lips, nervous.

"He said he had to keep me quiet, he assured me it wouldn't hurt. He lifted my hand and put his mouth on my wrist. His mouth was cold and it stung but then it felt warm, really warm. I felt... When he lifted his head he smiled at me. 'You are more then you know, little girl.' he said. 'You wont tell anyone what you saw or what I just did to you, you'll think you drank too much champagne and dreamed it all. Only biology can break this compulsion.' he said smiling. I just smiled back like an idiot." she frowned.

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