Chapter 62 Interesting

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Chapter 62 Interesting

We went to our hotel room to wait and give them the space they needed. The child slept on the bed. Karachin paced the floor. Watching her was odd and beautiful at the same time. She had the grace of most shifters and the hesitation of humans.

Even without my gift, I could still see her emotions because she broadcast them with every move she made. She was worried. She twisted her fingers together, fidgeted with her hair and clothes, she chewed her lip nervously and tapped her foot. She would look at the door or even the wall expectantly.

"What's taking so long?" She paused pacing to ask Wilma.

"I don't know. I'm not a Castor."

"It's been two hours." She chewed on the inside of her right cheek.

"Carmine is good. You don't become the Royal Castor by being sub-par at your job." Dium assured her.

"Royal? Royal-Royal? You were serious?" She demanded. "You mean the... he's... why would he help us?" She stood in the center of the room.

I stared at her. Why was she freaking out? We told her when we got here. Carmine had told her he was the Royal Castor.

"Because he was asked to by the royal family."

She tossed her hands around the air. "Why?! Oh, my gawd. Our gifts?" She planted her feet, eyes wide, glaring, tensing. "I'm not going to--"

"Kara! Stop. It's not like that." Dium yelled over her ranting. "They don't want you for your gifts! They just want to help. I swear it!"

The scent of pepper grew as her fear increased. She and Dium started arguing, both speaking over each other. The emotions rolling thru the room were overpowering. I felt like a building sat on my chest.

"STOPIT!" It was louder than I intended but had the desired effect. They froze. All of them looked at me. It took me a moment to regulate my breathing. Just because they stopped arguing didn't mean they calmed down. The emotion was only slightly different than before and still stifling.

"They're helping you because they should." I waited.

"People in power seldom do as they should without an ulterior motive." Karachin shook her head. "Especially when more power is involved."

"I'm sorry. I can't imagine how hard it's been for you. Or the kind of people you've had to deal with to believe that but not everyone is like that. They don't have ulterior motives. They really don't."

"So you say. But we'll be the ones to pay the debt when it comes due." she gestured to me.

"Actually, you already have, if you want to look at it that way."

Wilma was shaking her head. There's no way she could know what I intended to say but she still wanted me to shut up.

Karachin looked confused.

"You helped me. On the bluff."

"So, you've come to a choice?" she really looked interested. Even some of her anxious energy faded.

I grimaced, sheepishly, "Not- really." This was a conversation I hadn't thought through. It wasn't something I wanted to discuss in front of the others. Unfortunately, they all seemed to be interested in some degree. "Um."

She felt hope, and it bloomed under a cloud of fear and doubts, it was a small bloom but for now enough. "We can talk about it later, child, for now... I will take your word the royal family means to help."

"They do," I assured her and nodded my head. It was satisfying to feel her emotions shift and settle almost calmly. There was still the matter of her companion. There was still distrust but hope as well. She wanted it to be true but for her, it was hard to believe.

For a moment I wished I could read her mind. If I knew why she was so distrusting I could help her trust us. Still, in a way, I was glad I didn't have that power. It seemed like a violation of - everything.

I nodded and turned to the window. Light pollution kept the stars from shining as bright as they should but a few made the effort.

By the time Carmine stumbled to the door and collapsed just inside the hotel room the sun was close to gracing us with its light.

The adults rushed forward, gathered him up and placed him on the bed. "Go." He told Karachin softly. His eyes closed and Wilma pressed a bottle of juice to his lips.

"Kara, go. She'll be fine. I'll protect her with my life if need be." Dium told Karachin firmly. After a moment, a glance at her daughter and then at me she nodded. "Kar, let us know when he wakes up or if you need anything."

I didn't wait for permission or even ask for it. I followed her out the door and across the hall. The scent of herbs in the room was overwhelming. It took a moment to get used to it. I honestly wished I could have left the door open.

Karachin sat on the bed beside her mate. Her nostrils flaring. "He smells so much better." she picked up his hand. "The fever's gone too." I could hear the relief in her voice.

"I'm glad."

She nodded but didn't look at me. I understood. Mates were important no matter the species but lore said it was even more important for shifters.

"I wanted to thank you, for the advice," I told her softly.

"Have you decided?"

"No." I bit my lip.

"We are all worthy of our mates. It isn't always easy but it is worth the journey." She caressed her mates hand. She loved him. I wondered if I'd ever feel this for real and not vicariously through someone else.

"I don't know who to choose. I don't think I can."

"No one can make you. You're young, you have plenty of time."

"No. I don't. We leave and only one of them is going with us."

"You're with the royal entourage?" She nodded. "It makes sense. You're why they chose to help us?"

"Yes? Kind of. But I hope they would have anyway. Can I - would you keep a secret?"

She looked at me than the room. "I have many secrets. I can keep another if you need to share it."

I thought about it a moment. I was sure she meant what she said. She believed it. But it was a big secret to share. But I liked her. Besides, we were going to the royal palace. It may not be a secret for much longer anyway. "I'm the princess." It was strange saying it out loud. I didn't expect her reaction.

She jumped up and dropped to her knees. It took me a moment to realize she was bowing. "NO!" I hissed. I rushed forward and pulled her up. "You are my friend, I think, I don't want this. Come on." I pulled her to the bed.

"We thought the heirs died." she looked concerned and confused. We sat down on the bed across from her mate.

"Everyone did. But there is more, much more, to it than that. Don't tell anyone. We were-"

The door opened and Crow entered. "Stephanie, leave Karachin to her mate." he smiled at Karachin. "Carmine said he should wake soon, maybe an hour."

Karachin stood and her hand slipped from mine. "I'll go get Ma'gan."

Crow shook his head. "She's sleeping soundly." He grinned. "It amazes me that the child is Diums cousin. She's too cute."

Karachin grinned. Every mother loved to hear good things about their child. "If she wakes up, send someone for me." she smiled. She settled back beside her mate.

"Of course. Come on, Ms. Stephanie." He nodded at me.

Ms. Stephanie? Since when was he so formal? I didn't want to join the others but followed him anyway. Before closing the door behind me I gave Karachin one last look. She had already turned back to her mate.

The hours dragged on. I hated waiting. Patience was not a virtue I had if I had any?

To make matters worse some of us had to feed. We had taken advantage of the free breakfast the hotel offered, we sent Stacy and Roger down to bring food up for everyone. Still, that didn't satisfy some of our needs.

The child, Ma'gan, woke shortly after I got back to the room. Ma'gan blinked her eyes, looked at all of us scattered around the room. As she looked around her eyes grew large. Her tiny brows furrowed and she shrank back on the bed. Her entire body shimmered and she was simply gone.

Everyone gasped, except me.

"What the-" Roger jumped to his feet.

Stacy ran out the door and slammed it behind her.

"Oh, gawd. Kar is going to kill me. I lost her daughter." Dium muttered in horror.

I couldn't help it. I started to laugh. They were all freaking out. They should all be used to paranormal gifts but they weren't taking this one well. They all looked at me, unamused. I muffled my giggles and forced myself to calm down.

The door opened and Karachin entered followed by Stacy on her heels.

"It's okay, Love, You're safe," Karachin said glancing around the room.

Seconds later the space in the corner shimmered. The small girl formed crouched in the corner. She jumped up, ran, and threw herself at her mother. Even in her mother's arms, she eyed the rest of us suspiciously.

"Ma'gan." Karachin smoothed the girl's hair and waited for her to focus her attention. "I want you to meet some people." she picked up the girl. The child clung to her, still unsure.

Karachin walked over to Dium. "This is Dium." She smiled at Dium and pointed to his chest. "Dium is momma's cousin, so that means he's family. And he's your cousin, too."

"De." the girl said.

Dium looked completely enchanted. He smiled. "Hey, pickle, I've wanted to meet you for a long time."

"I," Ma'gan said softly leaning towards her mother.

My eyebrows pinched. She seemed so much younger, less expressive then she had when she was up the overlook. But Dium spoke again, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I bet you didn't know that your mom and I used to put frogs in the bath with Jacx, your other uncle."

Ma'gans eyes were wide with interest and her lips parted.

"Dium, don't give her ideas." Karachin rolled her eyes.

He just grinned and chuckled softly. "It's alright, Pickle, I have lots of stories about your momma."

Karachin rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue. "Anyway, love, these people are some friends of your uncle Dium." She turned. "This is Stacy and Roger."

"Hey, kid, nice disappearing act earlier." Roger looked curious.

"Hey, little one," Stacy said.

Karachin went around the room introducing each of us. Last, she came to me.

"Ma'gan, this is Stephanie. You saw her on the cliff when Rorin was with you."

"Hi, Ma'gan, it's nice to meet you, again." I held out my hand. Ma'gan dipped her head to her mother's shoulder and smiled sweetly. I could feel her emotions;
Trust, that I assumed was directed to her mom, shyness that was self directed and curiosity at the rest of us. But there was also caution. That caution concerned me. It broke my heart that someone so young felt something so uncomfortable. It also reminded me that she was different then she had been on the bluff.

"You're adorable, kid." I turned to Karachin. "Is it just me or - is she different then before? She seems younger, shyer."

Karachin shifted her weight. Slowly she nodded. "Her wolf, Rorin."

Carmine sat up. "Her wolf? She already has her wolf?"

"Yes. she's four, but Rorin has been with her for two years. She hasn't transformed yet but we're sure Rorin is her wolf. She's been with her for two years at least."

"Interesting." Carmine settled back to the bed. "Shifters usually don't get their counterpart so early."

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