Chapter 17 Breakfast

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Chapter 17 Breakfast

Dad got home first as usual. I had already drank the stronger version of the tea. The Zucchini Casserole bubbled in the oven to keep warm. I added honey, mustard and slivered almonds to the green beans. I didn't want to heat the croissants until mom got home.

I was in the kitchen tossing the green beans when dad walked in. He went strait to the fridge and opened a orange soda. "Smells good." he said as he opened it.

"Zucchini Casserole. The label said it was a new recipe." I said looking over my shoulder. "I have croissants and green beans to go with it." I turned off the stove and turned to face him. "Mom catches you drinking that you'll be in trouble."

"No caffeine. She can check." he said but he took another deep drink. I smiled. I wasn't fooled. He wanted to finish it before she got home.

"I'll set the table since you cooked."

I shook my head. "I got it. Finish your drink. Can you call mom and ask when she'll be home?"

Mom pulled in the driveway and I put the croissants back in the warm oven. I knew by the time she came in and dropped her files on her desk they should be warm.

Dinner was quit for the most part. Mom liked the new Casserole but dad wasn't a fan. I liked it.

"You seem like you're feeling better." Mom said as I sat the new jug of tea on the table.

I made my way back to my seat and sat down. "I am. I'm hoping it just ran it's course." I took a bite of the green beans and slowly chewed.

"Have you spoken to Amy? Is she still sick?" Mom asked pouring more tea into her glass.

"She's fine. She wasn't hit as hard as I was, apparently." I told her. I ripped off a bite of croissant. I tossed it up and caught it in my mouth.

"Stephanie!" Mom reprehend me. She sat her fork on the table and gave me a pointed look.

"Sorry." I chewed the bread and swallowed hastily.

"Now you're feeling better I suppose you'll want to go see your friends?" My dad said. I threw him a grateful look, thankful for the change of subject.

I straitened up in my seat. "Yeah." I picked up a bite of the Casserole. "We're doing a research paper on vampire myth. So we have a few things to iron out." I put the food in my mouth and tried not to notice mom was giving Dad that look that said she wasn't happy he had taken my side.

I didn't really see the big deal. I caught the bite of croissant, it wasn't like it was wasted.

"Not tonight." Mom said putting her foot down. I forced myself not to smile.

"Okay. I guess we can do it tomorrow. I'll call Amy and let her know." I let mom think she had won that round. She nodded.

"You can call her after dinner. Tell her if you have fever you wont be able to go." She looked me over. She seemed to be trying to answer a question she hadn't even bothered to ask me. I licked my lips and looked down at my plate. I pushed a few green beans on my fork and took a bite.

I called Amy from my cell phone because I could walk outside while we talked.

"I'll be ready at 8. I'm going to have to get up and drink the tea early because mom said if I have fever I cant go."

"Steph, you-" Amy started to give me an earful.

"I know." I said cutting her off. "I am going. I was just telling you what she said." I assured her. "So are you picking me up?"

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