Chapter 32 Blood Lust

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Chapter 32 Blood Lust

"What do you mean 'attacked him'," I demanded in a voice higher than it should have been.

"I don't know. Angelov's goons took them the rest of the way to Angelov's. It seems they followed them when they left the school. When the car went into the ditch they got them out and subdued Amy."

In the ditch... "Is Kyle okay? What about Amy?" My heart was beating fast. I was worried. If they wrecked they could be hurt.

"Their fine, mostly. We'll know more when we get to Angelov's."

The word "mostly" made me nervous. There were far too many things it could mean. My fingers gripped the edges of the seat and it wasn't entirely due to our mad dash through the streets. My head started pounding the closer we got to Angelov's.

I didn't wait for Eric to fully park and turn off the car before I threw open my door and made a dash to the front door.

No one answered my knock. In exasperation I opened the door myself. Once inside I realized I didn't know where to go. I sucked in a breath, cursing Smith for not being here to show me where my sister and friend were.

I caught the smell of more people then I expected. Heavy scents that stung my nose. With no other choice I followed the smells. The sting got stronger but Eric's scent behind me calmed me.

I recognized the doors to the study. When I threw them open six sets of eyes shifted to stare at us. My heart skipped when I looked into Amy's.

They looked so large and angry. The whites were  lined with red and blue veins. The silver sheen I noticed in her pupils, so intense it reminded me of an animal. Her skin was pale. She had dark circles under her eyes. Her lips were parted showing her teeth and her fangs. Her fangs were at least an inch and a half long. Saliva dripped from the corner of her mouth. Her body had been tied to a chair. Her wrist secured to the chair arms. Her fingers flexed into fist, relaxed and flexed again.

I didn't understand. This isn't how my transformation happened. How had all of this happened in less than two hours?

I moved forward but a tall thin man moved to block my path. "Move."

"I'm sorry, princess, but it would be too dangerous for you to get too close. You need to keep your distance." His voice sounded like wet silk. For a moment I wanted to do exactly what he said; keep my distance.

Eric's hand settled on my back. He slid it up between my shoulder blades. I broke eye contact with the guy between me and Amy. It still took me a minute to get my thoughts in order. I sidestepped him.

"Ms. Stone, it truly isn't a good idea to get to close."

I ignored Angelov. I knelt in front of Amy. "What happened to you?"

She just looked at me. I saw her gaze shift from my neck to my face. She studied me as if searching for something. Whatever it was I don't think she found it. Then she looked at Eric behind me. In seconds she dismissed him and turned to Kyle. It was unnerving how she tilted her head and licked her lips. Her tongue sliding over her teeth and fangs.

"She won't touch the bagged blood." Angelov informed me. "She wants vein blood but she's so caught up in the blood lust. There is no way she'd be able to stop before killing him. We gave her the injection but it barely fazed her. She burned through it in minutes."

"Amy? Amy, look at me." She ignored me. I licked my lips, nervous. Her concentration was focused only on Kyle. None of us seemed to exist anymore. "Amy?" I touched her clinched hand. Her head jerked to face me. I smiled. I tried for a reassuring smile but I'm not sure I managed. "Hey, sis." I swallowed the whimper I felt building in my throat.

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