Chapter 21 Hysterical

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Chapter 21 Hysterical

Startled I tried to jump when  a gentle hand touched my back.


I squeezed my eyes closed when I heard Eric's voice behind me. He didn't sound angry but how could he not...

My thoughts were interrupted when Angelo demanded, "What are you doing, boy?"

"She didn't mean to." Eric told him. I felt his knee brush my side as he settled behind me on the carpet.

"Boy." Angelov said his tone a clear warning. But it was too late. Eric was stroking my back in small circles.

"It's alright, Steph."

Held in place as I was, I couldn't respond. Angelov's grip hadn't eased at all. I realized that no one held my feet but had straddled the lower part of my legs.

I tried to speak and it was a moment before Angelov lightened up enough for me to move my jaw.

"Not okay. Go. I don't want to hur-hurt you. Any,"  I blinked back tears. "Any of you. You should go."

"Nah, I think I'll stay. But Kyle can go if he wants."

I tried to shake my head but it was useless. So I resorted to speaking. "I tried, I would have,"

"But you didn't. I don't care that you're a vampire, Stephanie. You're not the first I've known." He paused for a moment then spoke again, this time to Angelov. "Let her go."

"Are you sure?" Kyle asked somewhere behind me.

Personally, I wanted to grab Angelov's hand and force him to keep me in control. I didn't trust myself. I whimpered when his grip loosened. He still touched my skin, waiting. I thought he was waiting for me to loose it again. I lifted my hand and dried my face of tears. I couldn't bring myself to look at anyone, not even Amy. 

"Smith." Angelov said and the weight on my legs slowly moved away. 

I didn't bother to sit up or move except to use my arm to cover my face. My eyes still burned. "get rid of this. I don't want it." I could hear the sorrow and tears in my voice and I didn't care that the others may also hear it. 

"This isn't something that can be gotten rid of, child. You are what you are: if you wish it or not."

"I don't want to kill people. I don't want to drink blood." To my horror the prospect of drinking blood wasn't as horrific as it should have been. The though of hurting or killing someone made me sick to my stomach. At the mention and thought of drinking blood the thirst started to rise again. I sucked in a breath. 

"Stop. You can handle this, girl. Yes, you want it. But you can wait. Don't let the thirst control you. Control your heart beat." 

I hadn't even realized my heart had sped up. Eric was too close. I could smell  him and hear him. I could taste him on my tongue. 

"Would it help?" Eric asked and Kyle asked if he was crazy and Amy gasped.

"No. She needs to learn control before she feeds." Angelov replied.

With out thinking I lifted my head so fast I'm surprised my neck didn't crack.  "Are you insane?" I demanded as I tried to scoot back away from them. 

Angelov watched me like a hawk watches a mouse. But my attention was centered on Eric. He looked concerned but I suspected the concern didn't involve himself but me. He actually managed to look disappointed as I pushed my self back. I tried to hold my breath so I couldn't smell them. My heart still beat to fast. I couldn't remember how to control it. 

I reached up and touched my lips, then my teeth. Fangs! I have fangs.

"I know it hurts. It can hurt to use magic at first too. I just want to help." Eric said. 

"You must breathe child." Angelov warned her. "Breathe slowly through your mouth until you get used to the scents or when thirsty."

"I- what about my parents? I can't go home if I could hurt them." I was suddenly terrorized with images of my parents dead bodies flashing through my mind. I started sobbing. I grabbed my head in both hands, desperate to keep the images at bay. More images followed.  It wasn't just my parents I saw. Friends, teachers, neighbors, even strangers. I knew I was screaming but I couldn't handle this situation.

I knew I was on the verge of hysteria but I didn't want to be a vampire. I didn't want to be a murderer. I wanted my life back. I wanted to be me, be human. I blamed Angelov for this. I was normal before I ever stepped foot in this house.

He was a liar. He did this to me. I don't know how he did it but I knew he did it.

I yelled at him. I accused him of poisoning me, trying to kill me, turning me into a monster.

When he tried to remind me that vampires are no longer made I only screamed louder. I told him it was his fault if I killed my parents or my teachers. All the while I cried.

"Smith. The syringe." I heard over my screams. I felt the prick of the needle seconds after Angelov caught it from the air.

"You will not kill anyone, child. You would have kill one of the boys instead of yelling at me if you were going too." His face was so close, it was all I could see.

It was nothing like in the movies when someone is drugged. The screen didn't fade to black. Suddenly nothing was there. I felt like air then I felt nothing.

The next thing I heard, Angelov's voice, sounded to my right.

"No. I think she'll handle it well when she wakes."

Wakes? Handle it? My head hurt. The pain centered just above my right temple felt just painful enough to irritate me.

"Right about now, actually." Angelov continued without a pause. "No. Give her a moment."

I laid on the sofa in the same room as before. The furniture had been moved to form a circle. I blinked.

I reached up and felt my mouth. No fangs, thank God. 
The room was dim but clear. Too clear. The pain in my temple pulsed.

"Was that real?" I asked as I sat up. I looked at Amy. I knew she'd tell me the truth. I trusted her. It wasn't that I didn't trust Eric or Kyle. I just knew Amy better.

She bit her lip, turned her head away and nodded, yes.

"Amy?" Suddenly scared, I wondered if she hated me or feared me. She turned to me.

"It's okay, you know. Mr. Angelov explained you're still you." Kyle said. I looked at him.

I wasn't sure if he was right. I started thinking. I think I felt the same. But I couldn't be sure.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but you need to drink."

I felt my eyes widen. What? Was he insane? Oh, of course he was, everyone knew it. I started shaking my head.

"Not feeding isn't an option, Miss. Stone. If you refuse to feed the hunger will grow until it forces you to feed. You could end up being the beast, the murderer, that you fear. There is no reason for anyone to die." Angelov looked at me pointedly.

I licked my lips, still unsure. The thought of drinking blood was both pleasing and revolving at the same time.

Then the real question struck me. Nano-seconds later an answer. I shook my head. There was no way I was doing that. My friends were not going to be my first.

"It's not difficult." He leaned sideways and lifted a small ice chest to his lap. After opening it he removed a bag of blood. I was so relieved I almost thanked him.

(Don't know when I'll be able to update again because I don't have constant WiFi. But I hope you enjoy this update. Don't forget to vote, comment and all that. Love you all. Your awesome!)

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