Chapter 28 The Talk, Kind-of

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Chapter 28 The Talk, Kind-of

We left Angelov's estate shortly after that. Angelov didn't think Amy was in danger of transitioning in the next day. He did advise her to drink at least four cups of tea per day. He believed it would give her more time. He told her to avoid stress as it could trigger the chance if left unchecked. Unfortunately, he hadn't been done. He then told her to avoid sexual situations.

Personally, I almost swallowed my tongue. Amy hadn't been much better.

"I, no, I haven't, I wouldn't..." She stammered. Her face turned red.

I'm actually kind of glad we never had this 'talk'. I wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't said it in front of Eric.

"Um, yeah. We get it." I cleared my throat. "No stress." I didn't mention this whole conversation was stressful.

We pulled into the parking spot next door to Amy's. She got out and we watched as she went inside.

That actually made me wonder how I was going to get inside my own house. I didn't think I would be able to climb back in the window. I wasn't sure if I could even get back on the roof.

"Hey, Eric, when you came up with the plan to get me out of the house, did you have a plan for getting me back inside?" I asked while I scrambled between the  seats. He still hadn't answered by the time I settled in the passenger seat. I lifted my gaze after buckling the seat belt.


"Well, I thought you could get back in the same way you got out."

"Eric! I can't exactly jump twenty feet!" I yelled in mock outrage, well, almost mock outrage. He laughed. I narrowed my eyes. I had started to be irritated at that point. He shouldn't have laughed.

"Oh, come on, Steph. It's not that high."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I still can't jump to the roof."

He shook his head and backed out into the road. "Steph, you're a vampire."

"Actually, I'm not. Not yet. I'm transitionning."

"You are still a vampire. You've always been physically- fit. Amy too. You both have a physical strength and grace no one else in school does."

I scoffed. I had NEVER been graceful.

"Don't give me that. Just because you didn't join the cheer team doesn't mean you can't have."

"I couldn't."  He didn't respond but I bet he rolled his eyes. It didn't really matter anyway. I was starting to come up with a plan, kind of. "Do you have your backpack in the car?"

He glanced from the road to me. "In the trunk."

I smiled. "Perfect."

When we got to my house he parked on the side of the street. We grabbed his bag and walked around the house to the back patio. I flipped the outside lights on then the light above the patio table.

Eric had English, math, science,  and social studies homework. His math a day past due already. We spread out all his work. English and science were my favorite subjects but I dislike social studies. Most of the things we "learn" in that class are plain common sense. A lot of the class work was done on computers but when work was sent home it was book work or work sheets. A third of the students in school didn't have internet access at home and the school kept that in mind so they didn't fall behind.

So Eric and I divided the work between us. He tried to give me the social studies but I pushed it back across the table. He rolled his eyes.

"Are they going to freak out that I'm here?" He flipped the page in the social studies book.

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