Chapter 15 Sick of Being Sick

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Chapter 15 Sick of Being Sick

I felt sick for the next few hours. I couldn't figure out what had changed. I had been fine before eating anything. I had ate lunch and had no problems from it but after dinner I felt horrendous. I laid down and waited for my stomach to settle, I ate the tablets that only helped for a few minutes. Those few minutes were a reprieve that I hoped would last but didn't. My head started to hurt again the second time I got sick.

My mom stood in the bathroom door way worry written over her face. I didn't say anything at first as I was completely preoccupied with my stomach and the pain that had started to bloom in my head.

"I'll make you an appointment for tomorrow afternoon." she said behind me. My stomach emptied again. How could there still be anything in there to find it's way out? "Dr. Heading will surly work you into the schedule." she said thoughtfully. I tried to argue but was assaulted with another bout of heaving. This time it seemed my stomach truly had been emptied and only acted up to prolong my misery. As soon as the heaving ended I looked at mom.

"Mom, it's the flu. I'll be fine. I just have to let my body fight the infection." I slid around to face her. I kept a hand on the toilet. If I needed it again I didn't want to fumble in my haste to find it.

"You almost never get sick, Stephanie. This concerns me. Look at you. You're sicking up, you had fever this morning you hardly touched your dinner, and you are so pale you look ghostly." she spoke as she took a wash cloth from the second drawer, held it under the tap and squeezed the moisture out.

"You said you would wait till Monday." I reminded her as she handed me the cloth. It was cold and I wiped my face and mouth. You'd be surprised how good that actually felt.

"I know, honey. I know." she said and I could tell she regretted saying it now.

"Monday." I repeated and swung the cloth gently in the air to cool it.

"You do know I'm the parent?" mom asked.

I put the cloth over my forehead and almost moaned in contentment. "I know, but you promised. And you know I hate doctors." I don't know when I had started hating them but when I thought about it I could almost remember something.

"Fine. But if you don't feel better by Sunday I'm calling the answering service and having Dr. Heading call me right back." she threatened. "Now, get up off the cold floor and get to bed." she ordered. She reached down and helped me up. "You have fever, again." she said as she touched my arm.

"I'll take a pill." I promised. She left as I went to my room and soon entered with an agenda of her own. Instructions, pills, liquids, bottled water and worried frowns.

Mom didn't leave my room until I took all the medicines she chose and she had a little talk with me. The green stuff in the little cup tasted so bad I almost gagged seconds after swallowing it.

Mom nodded after I kept it all down. "I'll call the school in the morning and tell them you wont be in. Don't set your alarm. Now, try to get some more sleep." She sat on the end of my bed. "If you don't feel better, or you feel worse, you'd tell me, right?" She asked. I nodded but wasn't honestly sure that I would. "We have been so lucky to be blessed with you as our daughter." she told me.

"No, mom. I got lucky." I told her honestly. My parents never hovered but they always seemed to be there when I really needed them.

She patted my leg that lay under the light blanket. "I really need to know if you feel better." her voice held an edge. I almost nodded, finally understanding. She was scared. She was scared that I would get sick and die. That was ridiculous but these are almost the same symptoms as my grandmother had before dying of cancer. She also had pain in her abdomen but I didn't. Understanding this made me feel guilty for even thinking of lying and saying I was better when I wasn't.

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