Chapter 26 The Plan

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Chapter 26 The Plan

"No, ma'am, there are five of us. My brother had to work today and Brandon has football practice today."

"Well, come on in." She stepped back to let us pass. "Amy's in her room. I'll have her come down to the den. Stephanie, you know where the den is. I'll get Amy."

I led Eric to the den. He dropped his folder on the coffee table. I put the chip and recorder beside it. He dropped a thumb drive beside them.

"How much did you get typed?" I sat down on the sofa.

"About four pages, double spaced." He sat down. He let his backpack rest between our feet on the floor. "You?"

"Eight, I think. But I used single space." I lowered my voice as I continued. "I listened to the part about the twins this morning."

He looked at the door, then at me. "And?"

"I don't know what you expect me to say. I didn't realize I had zoned out when he was talking. Listening to it now, knowing what I know..." I shook my head.

"I guess that would be a bit weird."

"No kidding." I sniffed the air. I smelled Amy. I didn't even question it. I smiled and looked at the door. "Amy." I spoke seconds before she entered the room.

"Hey." She greeted us. I frowned. She looked pale, expect under her eyes.

"How do you feel?"

"Better. I drank the last of my tea before you got here."

"Oh. Tea." I reached for Eric's backpack. I didn't ask if I could get the jar out of the pack. My hand collided with his and I jerked back. "Sorry."

He opened the pack and handed the jar to Amy.

"Thanks." She took a seat in the big tan recliner. She drew her feet up into the seat, hugged her knees, laid her head on her knee and sighed softly.

"Are you really feeling better," I bite my lip, remembering how I felt just days ago.

She nodded against her knees. "Tea helps."

"If you need more just let me know."

"You feel better?" She sounded curious. I nodded. "Last night I wanted to just sleep and never wake up." She shook her head. "Everytime I went to sleep I woke needing to be sick."

I nodded but she continues, "Now, I'm so sleepy, it hurts to move and still the only thing I can keep down is the tea."

"Do your gums hurt?" I blurted out. From the corner of my eye I saw Eric jerk his gaze to look at me. My main focus was on Amy. For a second she looked thoughtful, swept her tongue around her mouth and gave a mild shrug.

"Not much. Feels like I ate too much sugar, maybe."

Eric reached for his backpack.

I nodded. There was something else I should ask but I didn't know how to form the question. I couldn't just say 'Hey, you get the urge to gnaw anybody lately?' That would just be wrong on so many levels.

"Dang," Eric said rummaging through the pack.

"What?" I asked. He turned to face me.

"Could you do me a favor? I left my phone in the car." He smiled apologetically.

I wasn't fooled. I knew he wanted to talk to Amy alone. Angelov asked him to question her. I nodded. "Sure." I glanced at Amy. Silently hoping she'd tell me later.

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