Part 1

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It's been 6 months since my first RFA party. Yoosung and I are getting to know each other pretty well. He lives in his dorm still and I still live in Rika's old apartment. Jumin, Zen, and Seven have all made sure that it is completely remodeled and empty of all of Rika's stuff. Jaehee has been kind enough to help me with the redecorating to make it feel more like my own place.

I look down at my ringing phone and smile. Hello Yoosung, yes I had breakfast. He still calls me every morning before Veternary class to make sure I have eaten. He is so sweet and loving.

MC! You took my line! Haha. Fine, did you sleep well at least? asks Yoosung.
I did sleep pretty well. I'm so excited about out our date tonight though! Can you please tell me where we are going?
Nope he replies. If I tell you then it won't be a surprise! And I love being able to surprise you he tells me.

I love you Yoosung. What time will you be getting here? I have an interview this after noon with Jumin and Jaehee about an Jr assistant job I tell him.
Do you think that's a good idea he asks me. Yes. It's only part time since we have another party coming up that I will need to prepare and plan I tell him. I don't really feel comfortable with the thought of you being so busy. Are you sure it won't be too much for you to handle? I love you and don't want you to be stressed out he says. Oh no. The professor just walked in. I have to go. I'll call you on lunch break. I love you MC he says. I love you too Yoosung. Study hard I say hanging up my phone.

As I go to set my phone down a message pops up from Jaehee. *MC are you ready for your interview today? Do you have any questions before you come in? I'll be more than happy to help you*
I reply *I am 100% ready. Although I do have a question for you. Who exactly will I be working for?*
*You will be my assistant. Mr. Han thinks it's finally time for me to hand over some of my lesser jobs to someone else.* she replied.
*Oh that's wonderful! I was so worried I would be another one of Jumin's assistants. I would much rather you be my boss*
*That's nice of you to say MC. I think we would work well together. Oh I have an appointment. I'll see you later MC* she replies.

It's nice to know that I will be working with Jaehee and not Jumin. He forgets that not everyone is as obsessed with work like he is.

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