Part 47

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Yoosungs point of view

Will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife? I open the box in my hand and show it to her. I look up and meet her beautiful blue eyes. I hold my breath waiting for her reply. I watch as tears start spilling down her cheeks. Yoosung, she cries. Yes!! I would love too! She tells me throwing her arms around me. I gently pull away from her and kiss away her tears.

Jumin clears his throat. Aren't you supposed to put the ring on her finger now he asks. Zen face palms. Way to ruin the mood man he tells him. Well I have a feeling we were about to see more then we wanted to he says looking at me.

I take the ring out of the box and place it on her finger. It fits perfectly. I take her hand up to my mouth and kiss it. I love you MC, thank you I tell her. I love you so much Yoosung she answers me looking down at her ring. It's beautiful. Thank you she tells me kissing my cheek.

I sit back down in chair, not letting go of her hand. Jumin stands up okay now I would like to propose my toast. MC, we were all very shocked when you popped up suddenly in our chat room. But now I believe we all have the reason why you did. I've have seen Yoosung grow up with you by his side. I would like to thank you for that. I would like to toast to the beautiful couple in front of us tonight. May your life be long and happy he says raising his glass. We all raise ours and drink.

I look over at my wife to be. She looks so very happy. I'm just so glad she said yes. I feel like my life is now complete. She squeezes my hand getting my attention. So this is why you were so nervous she whispers to me. I look at her in surprise. What? You didnt think I knew she says shaking her head.

I know you. I know when your worring about something. Silly man, why would you ever doubt that I would accept she smiles at me. If you had said no my life would have been over I tell her. You are the reason for everything I tell her.

She just smiles and shakes her head at me. Saying no was never an option she tells me gently. It would be like me not breathing. You are my reason for everything too she tells me. She blushes when can we go home she asks with a smile.

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