Part 27

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I decide to get some revenge. I go to my closet and rummage through until I find exactly what I'm looking for. Aha! This dress and legging combo will be perfect. The dress part is more like a see through wrap. It has a cream colored cami that matches my skin perfectly. I grab a sexy underwear and bra set and head into the bathroom to change.

I take a quick shower and change. I brush my teeth and pull my hair up into a French braid. I put on some light make up and his favorite perfume. I head into the kitchen. I walk by him to get to the fridge and grab some yogurt and a frappe. I go sit across from him at the table.

He just stares at me. I open my frappe and take a drink. He keeps opening and closing his mouth. He is also blushing so deep. Finally he is able to talk. MC! Your missing something under that shirt thing he tells me. I reach up and pull the shoulder down so that he can see the cami straps. No I'm not. See? I tell him. Okay but that dress is way to short for you he tells me. I reach down and pull on my leggings that's why I'm wearing these I tell him calmly. I have never seen that outfit before where did you get it? he asks. I went out yesterday and bought some new clothes to wear to work I tell him. Omg! You can't wear that to work! Jumin would freak out he tells me. Well it's a good thing I'm not going to work then huh? I tease him. He opens his mouth and closes it again. He finally leans down and presses his head into the table.

I smile to myself. I pout my lips. Yoosung what's the matter, don't you like my outfit? I ask him. His head snaps up and his eyes meet mine. Sweetie no, I love it...i just don't want any one else to see you in it. You look beautiful and I know other guys are going to stare at you he gently tells me. I look up at him and smile then it's a good thing you'll be with me! I tell him. With you? Where? he asks. Well I figured we have nothing planned so let's go get some decorations for the apartment. Okay I ask him. He drops his head back down on the table in answer.  

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