Part 42

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I pull my dress on and realize I can't reach the zipper. Yoosung? I call out. Yes my love he answers back. Could you um.. zip me up I ask him. I turn to face him and he is standing there with his mouth hanging open.

Yoosung are you okay I ask him walking over to him. I reach out and run my hand over his cheek. Uh..yeah I'm good he tells me snapping out of his weird trance. He gently turns me so that he can reach my zipper. He gently moves my hair out of the way and zips me up.

He kisses the back of my neck above my dress. He then turns me around again to face him. He takes a few steps back and just looks at me. Do I look okay I whisper to him. He laughs. Okay? You look far from okay. Your absolutely stunning. I'm going to have to beat the guys away from you he tells me. He looks at me from head to toe. He looks me in the eyes. His usual lovely purple eyes have darkened to a deep plum color.

He steps up to me and gently wraps his arms around me. I reach up and place my hands on his shoulders. He gently starts moving us into a slow dance. I decided to do this now while I can enjoy being the only one who can see you he tells me. I smile at him.

Isn't this dress too long he asks. Your walking on it he tells me. I haven't put my shoes on yet I tell him. He lets me go so I can go get my heels on. I step into them and turn to face him once again. He smiles at me and walks back over to me. I look up at him amazed. We are almost the same height now. There now I won't have to bend my neck so much when I do this he says kissing me deeply. *ding- dong* Saved by the bell I laugh at him. He takes my arm and walks me out of our apartment.

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