Part 44

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We get escorted to our seats. Zen got us really good seats. We are up really close to the stage in a private area. Jaehee is sitting on one side of me and Yoosung, of course, is on my other side. We are given more champagne during the show.

The curtain finally comes down at the end. Zen stands up and ushers for us to exit the theatre. Yoosung wraps his arm around my waist and leads me out. We all get back into our limos.

Did you enjoy yourself Yoosung asks me. Yes, I did. The show was wonderful I answer him. He smiles at me. I will have to make sure we go regularly he assures me. The next time we should go see Zen perform I tell him. Sounds like a plan he tells me.

He grabs my left hand and starts rubbing my fingers. Yoosung are you alright I ask him. You seem occupied I tell him. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable he tells me. My mind is occupied with something else right now he explains. What are you thinking about I turn slightly and ask him.

He looks down at me with a mysterious smile on his face. It's nothing to worry about my love  he tells me. I climb up and settle my self in his lap. Could it be about later I ask him. He kisses my neck oh it's most defanelty about later he tells me nibbling on my skin. I shiver in response. He notices my shiver and pulls me even closer to him. He leans down and whispers in my ear I'm so happy that tonight I get to make you mine he tells me. I blush a deep scarlet. Me too I whisper back.

The car comes gliding to a halt. I guess we are here I mutter. I guess so. Are you ready he asks me with another strange almost sad smile on his face. I reach up and place my hand on his cheek. With you by my side, I'm ready for any thing I tell him. He turns his head and kisses my hand. I love you MC he tells me. I love you too, Yoosung, always I tell him.  

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