Part 61

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I stare at the test in his hands. I'm pregnant. There is a baby in my belly. Our baby is in my belly. I look up at Yoosung with tears in my eyes. He pulls me closer and kisses them away. We sit like this for a few minutes both of us lost in our own thoughts.

Are you mad at me he sofly asks me. No! I'm not mad at all I assure him. I think I'm just in shock I answer him honestly. Yeah me too he tells me. So... now that we know for sure... he stops speaking. I take a deep breath, Yoosung do you want to keep the baby I ask. His arms tighten even more around me. Honestly, I want to know your thoughts first he tells me. I'm scared of what's to come I tell him. No matter what decision we make I will support you. I love you so much he tells me. I love you too. And I know that this is a shock but, I take a deep breath, Iwanttokeepourbaby I tell him in a rush.

He turns me so that he can look at me. What did you just say he asks me looking into my eyes. I meet his eyes and tell him again I want to keep our baby. He runs his hand down my cheek thank God! I'm so glad because I already love our baby so much! he tells me with tears pouring down his face as well.

I wipe his tears away and kiss him. He hugs me tight and kisses me back. We break away from the kiss and smile stupidly at each other. My hands reach down and gently cradle my stomach. His hands cover mine and rub gently. We are going to be parents he whispers. Yes, we are I whisper back.

He picks me up and sets me down on the floor in front of the chair. He gets down on his knees and gently lifts my shirt exposing my belly. He gently rubs my belly and softly speaks to our baby hello little one. It's me your daddy. I just wanted to let you know that your Mommy and I love you with all of our hearts and we can't wait to meet you he places several soft kisses where out our baby rests. He looks up to me I love you Mama MC he tells me. I smile down at him I love you too Papa Yoosung.

The end

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