Part 39

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We lay in bed wrapped in each others arms. We both try hard to catch our breath. Yoosung? I ask. Hmm he replies. Uh..wont Seven be here for you soon? I ask. Shit! he sits up looking at the clock. I gotta go jump in the shower! He smiles at me. Will you keep him company if I'm not out before he gets here he asks. I look up at him yes go get in the shower I tell him. He leans down and gives me a kiss. He gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom.

I get up and put on a robe. I rummage through my closet trying to figure out what I'm going to wear for tonight. I lay out three different dresses. I'll ask Jaehee her opinion when she gets here.

I look at our messy bed and quickly make it. I grab some underwear and a bra and put them on. I go to the closet and try to find something to wear. Hmm that set really looks good on you I hear. I turn around and Yoosung is standing there watching me. I grab a pair of jeans and a cute flowy top and put them on.

Yoosung is looking at the dresses I picked out for tonight. Which one do you think I should wear I ask him. He picks up a floor length baby blue dress. This one is my favorite he tells me. It matches your eyes. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. Okay I'll wear this one then I tell him.

We head out of our room and go into the living room. He sits in the chair and pulls me into his lap. I think tonight we will have to finish what we keep starting he tells me. Okay I tell him. He leans down and starts kissing me. *knock- knock*

We break apart and I go open the door for Seven. Seven walks in hey are you ready he asks Yoosung. I thought you were going to call when you got here he asks. I did, but you didn't answer he tell him. Oh I must have left my phone on the stand he says. He walks to our room to get it.

Seven sees him go into our room and turns to me. Why would his phone be in your room he asks me. Uh... I start to stutter. Because it's none of your business Yoosung tells him walking out with his phone. He walks over to me and gives me a long kiss. See you soon sweetie he tells me. Have fun with Jaehee. I love you. Goodbye.

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