Part 35

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I climb up in the bed and lay next to him. He wraps his arms around me. Wait this isn't fair he tells me. What isn't fair I ask him. Your still wearing all your clothes he tells me slowly reaching for my bra closure. That's not going to work I tell him. What do you mean? he asks fumbling with my bra. I get out of bed.

It doesn't have a closure I tell him. I reach down and take the bra off over my head. Oh well you still have on more than I do he tells me. I reach down and grab the waist band of my shorts. Do you mean these I ask him. He just looks at me raising his eye brows. I grab them and wiggle out of them. Better? I ask him. He just pats the bed next to him.

I climb into bed and cuddle up against him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the forehead. Much better. Now it's still early so sleep baby. I love you he tells me. I love you too Yoosung. Sweet dreams I tell him. No more sweet dreams for me, my reality is so much better now he tells me as I drift off to sleep.

I wake up before Yoosung and decide to cook a big breakfast for us. I grab my undies and his shirt and head into the bathroom. As I brush my teeth I look at my self in the mirror. I turn my head and see a small hicky peeking out from under his t-shirt. I pull the collar down and sure enough there it is. I smile. My baby got a little excited last night. Oh well it's small and light enough I'm sure no one will notice it.

I turn to the full length mirror and pull off his shirt to check for more. Nope. Thankfully it's just the one. I put the shirt back on and head into the kitchen. I decide on omelettes. I grab all the ingredients, turn on some music, and get cooking.

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