Part 3

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I quickly send Yoosung a message. *Omg! Call me on your break please! XOXOXO*

I finally get home and quickly clean up my tiny apartment. I still have no idea what he has planned for our date. Hmm...gaming? A movie and dinner? A quiet evening cuddling? The last one is the one I'm secretly hoping for! My phone rings from my purse. It's my babes ringtone!

Hi! Guess what?! I answer. He replies Hmmm by the tone of your sexy voice, I think you got the job. I smile Yes I did! He laughs that's wonderful sweetie! I'm so proud of you! Now we have something else to celebrate tonight he says. Wait...something else? I question him. Really MC? he questions. You don't know what today is? It's our 6 month anniversary! I smile at the phone. Babe, I didn't think you would remember that. He scoffs. Really? Not remember the best day of my life? I got to finally meet you in person. And I finally got to kiss you~well out side of dreams any way he tells me. Yoosung, I love you so much! When are you getting here? I want my 6 month anniversary kiss now! I tell him. Damn MC! Your going to be the death of me! My face is bright red and every one is looking at me now! I love you too and is an hour from now okay? he asks.  Yes an hour is fine.... I really can't wait that much longer for my kiss any way! I tell him. Okay my love, I'll see you in an hour! Muah! Bye! he hangs up.

I have an hour to finish cleaning and get ready! Crap! I still don't know what we are doing tonight!

I look at my phone and realize I still have 15 more minutes until he should get here. I decide to quickly log on to RFA and see if any one is on.

MC has entered the chat
707~ Happy anniversary MC!
Zen~ Dammit Seven that's what I was going to say!
Jumin~ When are you two going to grow up? MC have you told any one our good news?
Zen~ What good news do the 2 of you share? And does poor Yoosung know?
Seven~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jumin~ If the 2 of you would shut up she could probably explain. And I'm sure Yoosung was the first person she told our news to
MC~ Wow I finally get to speak? Lol
First thank you Seven and you too Zen. And the news that Jumin is talking about is I decided to apply for a job as Jaehee's assistant.
And ..... I got the job!!!
Zen~ What! Your working under the trust fund jerk? Why would you torture your self so? If you need money I can help you out
Jumin~ If it were about money I think I would be in a better position to help her than you
Seven~ HAHA! Zen read what she said! She is going to be Jaehees assistant not Jumin's!
Jumin~ I don't need another assistant. Ms. Kang is the only assistant I have
MC~ Wow you guys.
MC~ Oh I gotta go. Yoosung is here for our date. Bye!
MC has left the chat

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