Part 28

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Yoosungs point of view

MC has drug me to the mall. And she is wearing that outfit still! I can't believe she left the apartment it! I can't believe all the guys looking at her. I have no choice but make sure she doesn't leave my sight and reach. I have glared at so many different guys! Oh my, this woman is going to be the death of me.

While we are shopping the jewlery store called. The ring is ready. How on earth am I supposed to go pick it up with her here??? I can't leave her alone in that damn outfit!!! As we are walking around she spots Victoria's Secret. Oh no, no, no, there is no way I'm stepping foot in that store!

Yoosung, why don't you sit out here while I run in and grab a few things? I won't be long. I promise she asks. Okay. I'll just look around out here. If you get out here and don't see me just call and I'll be right back here okay? I tell her. Okay she answers. I give her a deep kiss goodbye and watch her walk in the door. Ha! Couldn't have happened at a better time.

I head a few doors down to the jewlery store. I go to the counter and they bring it out to me. I picked it out before we even seen each other for the first time. I knew then that she was the one. I had them adjust the size to fit her delicate finger. I have them box it up and I leave the store with it in my pocket. I head back to the underwear store to wait.

She walks out of the store carrying three different big bags. How much under stuff does she need? Hmm I wonder if she bought something special for me....omg stop! I tell my self. Okay babe I think we bought enough stuff. We should grab some food and head back. They are supposed to deliver the other bed in a couple hours I tell her. Okay let's grab some food to eat when we get home she tells me. I smile and take her bags. I wrap my arm around her waist and lead her out of the mall.

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