Part 10

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I wake up to the delicious scent of bacon and syrup. I roll over and look into the kitchen area. Yoosung is standing at my stove cooking and speaking with some one on his phone. I get out of bed and head into the bathroom. After doing my morning business, I grab my tooth brush and notice it's wet. Lol he used my tooth brush! I have to remember to get him one for my place. As I have this thought I remember what happened last night. Omg we are moving in together!

Babe breakfast is done. Come eat before it gets cold! He calls out to me. Okay just let me brush my teeth real quick I tell him. I hurry up and brush making my breath all kissably fresh. I check my reflection in the mirror and make sure I don't have bed head.

I walk out of the bathroom and head into the kitchen area. Yoosung is standing by my chair holding it out for me. I bypass the chair and attempt to give him a small peck on the cheek. He turns his head and our lips meet. He gives me a lingering sweet close lipped kiss. Good morning my love he whispers in my ear. Here sit and eat breakfast with me. We sit and enjoy the breakfast he made for us.

So sweetie when do you think the place will be ready for us to move into? I ask him. I am supposed to call her later and let her know if we are still interested or not. So I guess I'll know more later. When do you think you'll be able to move out? He asks. does this weekend sound? I ask with a smile. Rrrreally? Are you sure? Oh I hope it'll be ready by then!! Omg I gotta go! I'm going to be late for class and I still have to drop the car off to Seven! He tells me. Oh Okay! Bye sweetie. Talk to you later. I love You! I tell him. He grabs me and plants a kiss on my lips. Bye, love you MC!

Wow that was quick. I clean up the kitchen and decide I should probably log into the chat. I'm sure they are just all waiting to pounce on me about our future living arrangements. I wonder who all will be logged in. I guess I better just get this over with. Sigh!

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