Part 29

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Yoosung, after we finish eating why don't you go log into lolol? While I put my clothes and stuff away? I ask him. He puts down his fork and just looks at me. What? I ask him. Are you sure? I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you he tells me. I suggested it because I know you haven't really been playing it. You've been ignoring it for me. I don't want you think that you have to do that I tell him. Okay, there actually is a pretty big match going on in like half an hour. If I take too long just come and get me okay? he asks. I promise I tell him.

We finish eating and he heads into his room to game. After I hear the opening credits on his game I head into our room on a mission. I went to Victorias Secret earlier and bought some new more tempting pjs. I'm either going to get his attention or make him run screaming from our bed. I really hope for the first one!

I get all my stuff out away and decide to get some exercise. I put on my work out clothes and head out into the living room. I put my favorite work out DVD in and turn on some music.

I'm really getting into the work out when I hear a glass in the kitchen break. I look up and Yoosung is just standing there staring at me. Are you alright? What happened? I ask him while walking over to see what happened. I go to step into the kitchen and he finally snaps awake. MC! You can't come in here I just dropped a glass. There is glass all over and I don't want you to get cut he tells me. He gets the broom and dust pan out and sweeps up the glass.

At least it didn't have any thing in it when I dropped it he tells me. What happened? Why did you drop it? I ask him again. He blushes a bright red. I wasn't really paying attention he mumbles. You didn't cut your self did you I ask. No I'm fine. I was just surprised he tells me. Surprised? By what I ask. You he tells me, What were you doing anyway? Dancing around in a bra and pants he asks. These are my work out clothes. It's a sports bra and leggings. You have to have tight clothes or they get in the way while your moving I explain to him. Oh well I'm almost finished with this round. I'll be ready for bed soon he tells me walking away. I put all my stuff away and head into the shower.

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