Part 14

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I serve up our dinner and sit back down to eat. I would like to make a toast I say picking up my wine glass. Here's to a new chapter of our future together I say. Here's to many more chapters. May our book be a novel not a short story! he adds. We tap our glasses together and drink. Oh with all this talking I almost forgot your gift he hands me a small box. Omg its the same size and shape of a jewlery box! I take it from him and open it. I pull out a set of keys.

Are these what I think they are? I ask him. They are the keys to our new place! I signed the paper work during lunch. Actually Seven is there right now updating the security system for us he tells me excitedly. Is it the same one we looked at last night? I asked. No it's in a different building. The lay out of the apartment is the same though. And we are on the top floor. Only the top floor has the 2 bedrooms in it. And there is even a code you have to enter in the elevator to get to our floor! Seven said that it is very good cause he can make that even more secure he tells me happily.
That's great! So when can we officially start moving in? I ask him. He smiles at me. Any time. We could stay there tonight if we wanted to.

We decided to wait until tomorrow to start moving in. Yoosung has no classes tomorrow so we have all day to move. Omg what time is it? I ask looking for the time. Uh... oops. It's 7:45. There is no way I'll make it back to the dorm in time. he says sadly. Oh it's okay I tell him. I'll just get a hold of Seven and see if he will let me crash at his place for the night he says. Sweetie, why don't you just stay here again tonight? I don't mind I suggest to him. Are you sure? I can sleep on the couch this time okay? This way you're not uncomfortable he tells me.

Later on we finish cleaning up and he starts helping me pack up my stuff. He picks up the catalog that Jaehee dropped off. MC what is this? he asks me. I laugh. That would be Jumin's house warming gift. We get to order what ever we want out of that for our new place I tell him. Wow...just wow. He says shaking his head.

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