Part 12

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I grab my phone and send Yoosung a message. *call me when class is over*. I am so mad rite now. I can't believe him. He must have woken up early this morning and called every one. How embarrassing! I wasn't even all that upset over their reactions! Which means....he must have been more upset then he said. Well that's just great. There went my anger.

A while later my phone rings. It's Yoosung. Hello I answer. MC what's wrong? he asks. Nothing now. I just got out of a very interesting chat. I tell him. Ohhh....ummm. I kinda talked to everyone already he nervously tells me. I didn't think you would go log on rite away he says. Yeah I kind of realized that I reply. When is your last class over today? I ask. Well I just got notified that the professor can't make class today so I am free for the rest of this afternoon. Why? he asks. Could you come over here then please? I ask. Yes. Let me run to the dorm and shower and change real quick. Then I'll head over. MC I know your mad at me but I'm sorry and I love you he says. Im not mad at you. I love you too. See you shortly I reply. Okay bye my love.. See you soon. Muah.

I figure it's going to be a while before he gets here so I decide to make a quick trip to the store. I believe I'm going to need some liquid courage for this upcoming conversation. And some more food wouldn't hurt!

I get back home and unload the groceries when someone rings my door bell. Yoosung is here I think happily. I go open the door and Jaehee is standing there. MC I am here on an errand from Mr. Han. He said to deliver this catalog to you. He said to have you pick out what you and Yoosung want and and let me know the item numbers. That way he can order them for you. He also said to order what ever you need and consider this as his house warming gift to you. So here is the catalog. Just let me know when your finished and I'll come back and get it from you. She says handing me the huge book. Thank you Jaehee. Would you like to come in and have some coffee or tea? I ask her. No thank you MC. I need to get back to the office for a meeting with the Sr. Mr. Han. Talk to you later. Good bye. 

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