Part 2

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I'm sitting in the waiting area of C&R waiting to be called back. Mr. Han and Ms. Kang will see you now says the receptionist.
I follow her into Jumin's private office.

Please have a seat Miss MC Jumin tells me. I sit in front of his rather large desk and smile at him. So tell us why you decided to apply for this position Jumin asks me. I decided that it is time for me to start making my own life here, so I need a job and Ms. Kang mentioned that you were holding interviews for her new assistant. So I decided to apply I reply.

This job is a lot different than hosting a party. You do understand that correct? Jumin asks. Yes I do understand. You need someone to assist Ms. Kang her duties. You need someone to answer her phone calls and manage her emails. You need someone to keep track of her schedule and any other things she needs help with I reply.

Jumin smiles. It seems like you know what we are asking for. Good. Ms. Kang is there any thing else you would like to add before I make a decision he asks.
You know you are supposed to report to me not Mr. Han correct Jaehee asks. Yes. I am well aware of that. I only report to Mr. Han if you were to ask me too I smile at her. She smiles back. Then that is all of the questions I have for her she replies to Jumin.

Fine. MC could you please go back to the waiting room while we discuss your application? We will be back with you momentarily. Thank you he says.

As I sit waiting a message pops up on my phone. *Honey how did it go?* Awe a message from Yoosung. I reply *Thanks for asking. I'm not too sure yet. I'm in the waiting room while they discuss my application*. *Don't worry MC. If Jumin doesn't hire you for this job he's not as smart as I thought he was* he tells me. *Thank you baby! I really hope I get this. It would be perfect for me. Aren't you in class though?* I ask him. *Yes, but you are more important than any thing else. Lol. But the professor finished the lecture so we just get to relax till the class ends* he replies. *XOXOXO* I reply. *Back at you later tonight ;)* he replies.

Mr. Han and Ms. Kang will see you again the receptionist tells me. As the door closes behind me both Jeahee and Jumin stand up. Congratulations MC. You are now Ms. Kang's assistant Jumin says while shaking my hand. I quickly stand up and shake both of their hands. So when do I start I ask. Well since today is Tuesday, I figured I would have you start on Monday. How does that sound Jaehee asks. That sounds wonderful. Thank you so much for this opportunity! I smile at her.

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