Part 8

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You aren't upset about what they said are you? I ask him. A little bit. I thought they would be happy for us. I'm more worried about how you feel about it. He sadly tells me. I reach across the table and grab his hand. Not at all. I think we just surprised them. I think they think that we are moving too fast I reply. Is that what you think? He worriedly asks me. Yoosung. No not at all. We know why we are doing this. It's no one else's business but ours any way. You and I are the ones in this relationship. It's our thoughts that matter. I calmly explain to him. He smiles at me Well then. Now we have 3 things to celebrate tonight!

We finish up dinner and do the dishes together. We both end up wet because of course we had to have a soap sud fight. Now we are getting ready to watch a movie. I chose a scary one because he doesn't like them. This way I know we are guaranteed to be cuddling!

Now we are side by side on the couch watching the opening of the movie. He grabs the blanket from the back of the couch and covers us up. I sit with my back against the arm rest and place my legs across his lap. He smiles down at me and puts his arm around my shoulders half turning me so my side is resting against his side.

As the movie continues Yoosung slowly gets closer and closer to me. He has slowly shifted us so that now we are laying spoon style on my very small sofa. Every time something scary happens, he buries his face in my hair. You know maybe we would be more comfortable on my bed. It is bigger and we can see the movie from there still. I tell him. His arms tighten around me. Uh...MC are you sure that's a good idea? He asks. It's just like the couch. We will still be fully dressed. I just think it will be more comfortable for us. I respond. If you're sure. He responds. I get off the couch and go into the bathroom and change into my pjs. When I come out of the bathroom he is laying on my bed waiting for me.

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