Part 48

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After our beautiful moment, every thing has settled down. Our desserts arrived and every one dug in. Now we are sitting at the table laughing and joking. Even Jumin. The waiter brings the bill to Jumin signalling that the evening is over.

We all get up and every one comes and hugs us congratulating us once again. Jumin signals another table and a young man comes over to us with a camera in his hands. This is to capture this amazing night Jumin tells us all. We all pose together. Then we all take turns posing separately. Yoosung and I get several taken together. The man finishes up and now it's time to leave.

Yoosung offers me his arm and we exit the restaurant. We settle on the seat in the car once again, finally on our way home. I keep playing with my engagement ring.

What's wrong Yoosung asks breaking me out of my thoughts. Wrong? Nothing's wrong I make sure to assure him. I just can't believe that we are going to get married I tell him. He smiles at me. When do you want to get married he asks me. I think we should wait until after the party I tell him. This way I can concentrate solely on just our wedding I explain. That's a very good idea he tells me. He wraps his arm around me pulling me closer to him. We sit back and enjoy the ride home.

The car finally glides to a halt in front of our building. Yoosung exits the car and helps me out. We head into the building arm in arm. We step into the apartment, and it finally hits us that we are all alone.

I go to take off my shoes and he stops me. Leave them on please he asks me. Okay I question. I would like to see you wearing nothing but the shoes and your underwear he tells me seductively. Oh I breathlessly reply. He smiles at me. Are you thirsty he asks. I shake my head no. Um.. I need the restroom for a minute though I tell him. Okay I'll meet you in the bed room he tells me walking away.

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