Part 22

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We are now all alone in our new place. Almost every thing is unpacked and put away. Should we go out to eat or order something in? he asks me. Hmm... How about we eat in? I suggest. Okay what are you hungry for? he asks. Pizza sounds good I tell him. Okay I'll call it in. The usual? he asks. I nod.

Pizza will be here in like 45 mins he tells me. Wanna watch a movie? he asks. Sure, you pick this time I tell him. Well scary is out then. That didn't go so well last time he laughs. Ok I'm going to go grab some blankets and change into some pjs I tell him.

I walk back out to the living room and he has the movie ready. Here's the blanket. Should we break in the new double chair thing? I ask him. Okay he smiles at me. He sits down and I go to sit next to him and instead he pulls me down into his lap. Is this okay he asks me. This is fine I tell him. I wrap the blanket around us and snuggle in his lap.

Half way through the movie, he wraps his arms around me and I fall asleep. *ding- dong*  Our door bell rings waking me up. I think I have to buzz them in he says. I shift over to the side of the chair so he can get up. He goes and takes care of the delivery guy. Ah it smells so good he tells me. Should we just eat out of the box he asks. Less dishes sounds good I laugh.

He brings the coffee table closer to us and sits back down pulling me in his lap again. He grabs a slice of pizza and feeds it to me. I can feed myself I tell him. This is more fun he replies. I sit back and enjoy being fed by my boyfriend. Yoosung? I ask. Yes babe he answers. Where are you going to sleep tonight? I ask him. Well since I don't have a bed get, I was thinking the couch will be fine again he tells me. I was thinking....maybe you should sleep in my room with me I rush out. Just until yours arrives. It's a queen and we can use separate blankets and every thing I tell him practically begging. I really don't think that's a good idea he tells me. Please? I promise I'll behave. I won't even hold your hand I beg. Fine he sighs. Ha! I won this round!   

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