Part 11

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I sit at the computer and log into RFA.
MC has joined the chat
MC~ Okay let me explain this situation before you all jump in on me. No comments or questions until I'm done.
MC~ There are several reasons why Yoosung and I have decided to share an apartment.
1. Sharing a place would help both of us out financially.
2. His living in a dorm with strict rules is not helping us to become better aquanted.
3. Rikas apartment is too small.
4. No one knows where it is unlike Rikas apartment
5. It will be easier for Seven to monitor.
6. Because we are adults and want to!
Zen~ Are you finished MC?
MC~ Yes
Zen~ You didn't have to explain any thing. Yoosung called each of us very very early this morning to explain it to us.
MC~ .....?
Seven~ He didn't call me. He just came over to drop of the car and woke me up
Jumin~ He called me but I was already awake. Unlike these slackers.
Zen~ I'm sorry MC. I didn't mean to make you upset last night. I was just worried and shocked that you guys were rushing into it.
Seven~ As soon as Yoosung has the keys I'm going over to make your place nice and secure.
Jumin~ I still don't approve. Although now I understand.
MC~ Um... what did he tell you guys?
Jumin~ That we upset you and ruined your anniversary. Which 6 months isn't a technical anniversary to begin with.
Zen~ That if or when you logged on we apologize and support your decision
Seven~ Hahaha! I didn't get all that!
MC~ Omg.....
Jumin~ I assume that your new place will be bigger so you will need more furniture. I'll have assistant Kang order the rest of the furniture set that you currently have. Any thing else you need let her know and she can add it to the order. I'll pay to put a rush on it as well.
MC~ Omg
Zen~ Don't you think they may want to go pick out their own stuff together. You know as a couple?
Seven~ I have a big truck you can use to move with
MC~ What is happening?
Jumin~ We are being supportive like Yoosung told us to
MC~ Thank you guys. I... think I need to go speak with Yoosung.
Seven~ I sense trouble for Yoosung!
Zen~ MC please don't yell at him. We were mean and not very open to your announcement. He just explained things better for us.
MC~ ..... I was thinking about it... but I do understand where he is coming from.
Jumin~ I think what your trying to say is he has feelings for you and wants to protect you. I believe the common word for it is love
MC~ ...Thank you guys again. I gotta go now. Bye!

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