Part 17

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Yoosungs point of view

I lay in MC's bed holding her in my arms. I just can't believe that this beautiful woman is mine. I have no idea what I did to deserve her. I hug her a little tighter and kiss her on her head. I just want to lay here with her forever but I know that if I don't leave her bed I'm going to break my promise to myself.

I swore I wouldn't do any thing with her until we are married. But I swear if she pulls that stunt with me again, I'm not going to be able to resist her. I can't believe my sweet little babe can become quite the strong sexy tiger when she wants something. Just remembering the way she turned the tables on me and pulled me on top of her....oh I really need to get up out of this bed. What I really need is a cold shower, but I think if she woke up she may barge in there and attempt to join me. Damn! My thoughts are so not helping my current situation.

I slowly, gently untangle our limbs. She mumbles sexily in her sleep. I keep edging my body away from hers. She just keeps following me though. If I'm not careful I'm going to end up on the floor! I finally make it off the bed. All I do is stand there watching my beautiful queen sleep. She keeps reaching her hand out trying to find me. I grab the pillow I was using and put it next to her. She feels the pillow and pulls it close to her chest. Awe it must smell like me, because she sighs contently and starts breathing deeply again. I quietly pull out my phone and snap a picture of her sleeping. Ah my sleeping beauty, how I love her so much!

I walk to the couch and make my self a little bed for one. I'd rather be back in her arms but my resistance to her is so weak lately. I have no idea how much longer I can keep control of this situation.

I lay here trying to figure out how to ask her to be my wife. I know she is the other half of me. In my thoughts and dreams she is everything. I'm just so scared that I'm pushing her too fast. Maybe I'll ask the guys..., no I'll ask Zen. He can help me figure this out.

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