1. Beginning of my M I S E R Y

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"Have you ever been too nice
and ended up in a situation
that could've been avoided
if you would've been an asshole?"


"Seriously this is so unprofessional" I shook my head, whispering to myself, as I stood waiting for the person I was meant to interview next

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"Seriously this is so unprofessional" I shook my head, whispering to myself, as I stood waiting for the person I was meant to interview next.

I waited another five minutes before deciding they would just have to cut to Alexa Bliss entering for the next match.

"See you guys later!" I smiled at the camera guys who assisted with the taping of Talking Smack as well.

I loved my job, I loved everything that came with it. I was behind the scenes, on the camera, but luckily not in the ring unless it was after a match took place. While I was quite athletic and could probably survive about twenty minutes in it. It was safe to say for everyone's safety I should remain backstage, I didn't want all that attention either.

With my job came all the perks of being in the WWE without the risk of injuring myself. Unless I dropped a weight on my foot while gyming, to try and keep up with the beautiful ladies backstage. Out of everyone here that would probably happen to me, I would see someone and lose focus to shoot them a friendly smile and BAM! Reflexes kick in and I jump back, saving my little twinkling toes...

So yes, I loved my job. I loved the fact that I was quite busy too, I was part of many shows and productions and even though it took me awhile to get where I was. I was undoubtedly proud of what I had accomplished so far and would in the future. Is it weird that my happiest moment to date is still getting my very own action figurine? I mean if you call holding up the mic very actiony.

 Is it weird that my happiest moment to date is still getting my very own action figurine? I mean if you call holding up the mic very actiony

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Anyway enough about little old me, for now. I had some business to take care of...

I went over to Bryan's office as I wasn't going to wait around for someone that didn't seem like he appreciated arriving on time. Bryan smiled as he saw me enter with the current Smackdown champion AJ Styles walking off shooting me a brief smile which I returned.

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