9. Only one T I M E

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"What makes resisting temptation
difficult for many people
is they don't want to discourage it
completely. "
F R A N K L I N  P. J O N E S


"I'm so fucking sick of Baron fucking Corbin!" I groaned as I walked into one of my best friend's hotel room

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"I'm so fucking sick of Baron fucking Corbin!" I groaned as I walked into one of my best friend's hotel room.

Not Nicole because I didn't feel like judgement from Nattie for me even rooming with the guy.

"No, I was not tryna get some morning action from my wife" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oh shut up Jimmy, you fucked her last night. I'm in need of some sex as in yesterday." I got in between them, making sure to remain on the covers.

"You letting this abstinence shit get to you?" Naomi giggled, making room for me.

I glared at Jimmy so he rolled his eyes and moved up as well so that I could sit up between them.

"Abstinence would mean I chose this life of purity, well year or two. No I did not, people are intimidated by my lovely personality" I scoffed because I was like the guy who was the best friend of some woman who was oblivious to what she had in front of her except the girl version.

"Why him though?"

He was tall, tanned and all kinds of handsome with large hands that had the perfect touch to start a fire where there hadn't been in quite some time.

"Its not him, I mean it is him. He is there all the time so he is basically preventing me from being with anyone. " I shrugged not even sure why I had snuck out of the room, while he was sleeping to disturb them and confess my sexual desires. I guess you could say I was still running on last night's fuel.

"Its the mystery" Jimmy sighed not catching my 'I don't want Baron, he is a fuck block' speech, "y'all girls just want that intense shit. For all we knew that guy be playing on his Xbox all day while you're wondering about him being like Batman."

I giggled for a moment picturing Baron in the suit and that was not flattering at all, "I'll ignore the last part but it is the mystery I have to admit. I mean I kinda know him, he used to travel with Corey before the split but he never really spoke. Fuck I'm so desperate, just to have a guy in my bed.."

I mean it was obvious I annoyed him and that I was basically throwing myself at him for the last couple weeks. Maybe he didn't like blondes, why was I wanting Baron again?

Oh yeah he admitted to wanting to fuck someone, he didn't say make love, sleep with. He said fuck to clear his head and just the words coming from his mouth led to me wanting to grab him and kiss him then. But after my whole moaning morning I figured it was best I restrained myself.

Pull me C L O S E R. // RENEE YOUNG| BARON CORBIN [COMPLETE √]Where stories live. Discover now