28. One confusing W O L F

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"I want you to know
but I don't want to tell you."


"What's this?" She frowned as I dropped a shopping bag on the table beside her

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"What's this?" She frowned as I dropped a shopping bag on the table beside her.

"Your lingerie" I stared blankly at her while she rolled her eyes.

"Really, what is it?"

I chuckled as I definitely wasn't giving her that shit back, "dinner"

"Baron Corbin bringing me takeout.." She reached for it but I grabbed the bag.

"What?" She sighed.

"Does it look like I eat with these people?" I glanced around the cafeteria luckily catching her on her own because I really didn't feel like heading over to her with a group of people surrounding her.

"Its my dinner and I don't mind." She shrugged reaching for it but I stood up.

"Its our dinner and I do"

She sighed and stood up as well, following me out. "You know drinking at work is illegal"

"So now I have to be drunk to be nice huh? Like you have to be drunk to get me in your bed?" I whispered into her ear.

"Can we stop with my seduction that started it all?"

I rolled my eyes as she must have been really fucking wasted last week because she seemed to have forgotten our night. Of course, the night I don't give her the rough night she wants I'm not fucking memorable.

"I hope you haven't gotten drunk with anyone else." I pushed open my door with a smirk thinking about how mad she got over the marks she left on me.

"I lasted a long time before you. Clearing my head isn't really as important to me as it is to you. How many has my friend cleared his head with since the Sunday I freed him?"

I wasn't sure where that friend shit came from, I had planned to let her walk away and next thing I was kissing her and next thing I was waiting around the corner for her and next thing I was saying 'See you later buddy'.

I smirked, "one"

"One? Must have been good to keep you going"

"Yeah she was.."

"Yeah that mark said it all. Brunette?" She smiled.


"Red head?"

"Blonde" I stated and I saw her face change.

"Well guess blondes aren't stuck up for you anymore" she giggled but I knew that one and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah finally found one that kept me on my toes"

"Now see I did you a favour. If you were stuck with me you wouldn't have gone scouting and you'd just have to settle for me every night" she giggled.

Pull me C L O S E R. // RENEE YOUNG| BARON CORBIN [COMPLETE √]Where stories live. Discover now