15. Not my fucking G I R L F R I E N D

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"And she did not want him to think
her quite mad, only a little unique,
only containing within her just that
measure of the unexpected sufficient
to make her irreplaceable."



Her moans filled my ear like it had been for the last couple weeks. I would have never thought I would have her beneath me, regardless of her confessions. She spoke without thinking and I figured that was it and now I had had her every way I wanted her and she was currently handcuffed to the bed as my fingers slowly moved in and out of her.

Handcuffs I had gotten from Tyler's ring costume after a night out.

I usually stumbled in at night if we weren't getting back together but I wanted more of her when I woke up next to her. I knew she was sore after last night so I slowly rubbed myself up behind her while my fingers from my other hand muffled her moans.

Not because I wanted her quiet, she was loud and I liked it. I liked knowing that even though I figured she would go for any guy but me? I was the one making her moan while everyone saw this good girl persona, unfortunately these walls were thin. The bed knocking against the wall could have been us wrestling for all they knew but her moans?

That's why I always came back late to the room so I knew everyone was sleeping. I could care less what they thought but I didn't need her nagging on my head about people talking. She'd end up prolonging it for days...

I kissed into her neck which I hadn't done in awhile, feeling her tighten around my fingers, speeding up and she bit onto the ones wrapped around her mouth as I bit into her neck in return feeling her lose herself.

I stood up to finish myself off in the bathroom but froze as I heard a knock on the door.

"I know you're in there man! I just got in, open up!"

Corey. Fuck.

I stared at Renee who seemed to be drifting off to sleep.

"Renee.." I whispered.


"Where's the fucking key?"

"Key for what? My heart? Well you got pretty close with.."

I chuckled and shook her roughly, she sighed and opened her eyes, "Yes?"


Her eyes widened, "where's the keys?"

I rolled my eyes and tossed her sweatpants and random top at her, taking her underwear I found on the floor in my fists. I found the key underneath my top she wore and untied her, "I'm going to shower."

Pull me C L O S E R. // RENEE YOUNG| BARON CORBIN [COMPLETE √]Where stories live. Discover now