Chapter 3: SAO (Hikaru's POV)

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After about an hour or so of grinding for Col with Ikiru, we've both finally got quite a lot of Col. This should be enough to last us for at least a few floors.

"Hey, Iku! Ready to go back to the blacksmith?"

I sheathed my sword and walked towards her.

"Dont call me that....well I suppose it can't be helped... Let's go!"

We both teleported back to town and went into the shopping district. We walked to the blacksmith and looked around for some weapons. It looks like that weapon I saw before isn't here anymore....I sighed....I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over to see Ikiru holding a big Axe.

"Woah! Be careful not to drop that on your foot."

I giggled a little but it seems like she's serious....

"You're not actually gonna use THAT are you? It's at least two times as tall as you!"

"Of course I'm gonna buy it! Trust me, I've been an expert Axe/Mace user in other games. Plus this Axe is named Ikiru! Like me!"

She laughed and I smiled. I suppose she'll be okay then. Now....I'm not really seeing anything that peeks my interest.....ah! The blacksmith just walked in!

"Hey! Uh, sir I'm looking for something strong, heavy and durable. Like a two-handed sword. Got anything like that?"

He looked a little nervous...

"I-im sorry sir...we don't have anything like that in stock at the moment....if you have the right materials I could definitely forge you one just like what you described and better!"

I sighed but agreed to help and he wrote down a list of the materials needed and gave it to me. Ikiru bought her axe, and sold her old weapon and we walked out.

"So there was absolutely NOTHING there that spoke to you?! Nothing at all? Surely there was something!"

She said.

"Well, yeah everything looked pretty cool and all...but nothing really fit what I'm looking for exactly....oh well. I'll just get these materials and he'll forge me something...if it isn't good I guess I'll just give it to a beginning player or something...."

"Hmmmm.....okay..well, I'm getting a little hungry....I haven't eaten since before I'm gonna log out and go eat..thanks Hiku! I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Definitely! See you then!"

We high-fived each other and she turned around to log out and I looked around at the buildings and such.

"I suppose I'm getting kinda hungry too....I suppose I'll log off to--"

I was cut off by the sound of Ikiru sounding confused. I turned around and she was still looking in the menu.

"What is it, iku?"

She sounded a little nervous...

"Uhm...I don't see the log out button..."

"What? Look closer."

"I did! It isn't there!"

I sighed a bit and opened up my menu.

"Button of the menu right under the......"

My words trailed off as I saw there was no log out button...

"What? Maybe it's just a minor bug...looks like we'll have to wait for them to fix it...they should know about already and should be working on it...."

She looked a little worried.

"W-well surely there's some kind of emergency log out! Log out! Return! Go back!"

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